The news that the CW’s hit musical comedy ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’ was coming to an end after season 4 was devastating for fans. However, it isn’t all bad, in fact, there is an incredible silver lining.
Rachel Bloom (the show creator) announced in February that the show will conclude with the “Yes It’s Really Us Singing: The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Concert Special” which will air right after the live show on April 5th on the CW.
Filming of the finale took place in Los Angeles at the Orpheum Theatre earlier this month and fans were able to attend this show for absolutely no cost.
Fans who missed this event will be delighted to know that this is in fact not just yet the finale of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Live Shows. Members of the cast have hinted towards the return of live shows since the success of the ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Live’ tour that took place in March and April of 2018. If you have previously joined the Rachel Bloom fan club and receive the regular newsletter updates, or if you follow Rachel on Twitter, you will have witnessed the excitement surrounding the announcement of a final live show featuring the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend cast. The live show will include fan favourite songs performed from fan favourite characters and will take place on May 14th and 15th at Radio City Music Hall in New York.
The second date was not originally planned however was introduced due to such high demand. Tickets are still available for these live shows and can be purchased through a number of ticket sites including Viagogo and Stubhub. Tickets are expected to sell fast so don’t miss out on this opportunity to witness what may be the last time the cast of the show perform together on stage.
To quote Rachels newsletter: “This isn’t a definite “no” to more group live shows in the theoretical future but this is the only one planned for now. For instance, if any one of us reaches a Chris Pratt post Parks and Rec-level of success we will all jealously turn on each other and that’ll be it for live shows. You get it.”
It is highly recommended that fans head over to Rachel Blooms Twitter page @racheldoesstuff to witness hilarious video footage of live show preparations along with heartwarming shots of the cast.
Personally, I think that the show couldn’t have come to a conclusion in a more memorable way than to include its loyal fans in a televised concert style finale. Whilst we don’t want this adventure to ever come to an end, we couldn’t have hoped for it to happen in a more magical way!