
“Gentrification” by Nixer and Death in Real Life by Deathirl & Ada Rook

Construction equipment is drawn in black against a red background for Nixer's Gentrification
Credit: anotherpoxysarah

Welcome to What’s the Buzz, where members of our staff provide you with recommendations on a weekly basis. This week, Julia Mason checks out “Gentrification” by Nixer and Hal Kitchen recommends Death in Real Life by Deathirl & Ada Rook.

Nixer, “Gentrification”

Julia: Nixer released their fifth single (“Gentrification”) on Friday 2 April and it takes their indie techno sound to another level. Inspired by an issue that is all too prevalent in our cities, it is an electronic reminder that authenticity, community and culture is vital, not the lining of developer’s pockets.

“Gentrification” opens with fierce drum and bass beats before the lyrics kick in reminding us of the destruction of the city’s essence due to the process of gentrification. The lyrics began as a poem written in a relatively untouched area of London but also applies to Dublin. These are the current homes of Seán Keenan and Gearoid Peggs, respectively. They are perfecting the writing, recording and producing of their songs separately in their DIY bedroom studios, and the results continue to grow and impress. The theme here is perhaps a little more thought-provoking than previous tracks, but I think it is to their advantage. The lyrics are heartfelt and describe a hope to be inspired rather than drained by the city. And to allow the city to breath:

Rip out the heart of the city
Stop the beating of the streets

As a society we want culture and community to thrive so we can interact, have shared experiences and grow as a result of them. Surely the resulting isolation of the current pandemic has proven our need for this more than ever. Profit and greed seem to be the driving factors for the gentrification of many of our cities. Join Nixer in their declaration of the disappointment of such developments, delivered with drum and bass, guitars and beats which remind you of the heart of the cities, the souls of which we do not want to lose.

Written by TV Obsessive

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