This article contains spoilers for Better Call Saul S6E13 (“Saul Gone”), written and directed by Peter Gould.
We’ve finally reached the end of the line in the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul universe, and it seems almost unreal that there will be no new episode on this Monday or any other Monday. The Better Call Saul series finale had a massive task to accomplish in terms of providing the audience with a satisfying ending—something I implicitly trusted the writers to do—and “Saul Gone” exceeded my expectations in every possible way. Even though the finale gave us the prison ending, it managed to be hopeful and fulfilling instead of bleak. This is because showrunner Peter Gould understood the assignment: that Better Call Saul is, at its heart, a love story between Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler, and that this love story needed a happy ending. The definition of “happy” may look different than your typical romance, but Jimmy and Kim’s relationship has never been typical.
After the tense conclusion to “Waterworks” (S6E12), we knew we would be picking up with a Gene on the run, but the cold open of “Saul Gone” took us back in time to Mike and Jimmy’s journey through the desert in “Bagman” (S5E8). I was happy to get one more moment between Mike and Jimmy since the scene we got between them in “Breaking Bad” (S6E11) took place at a time when Mike’s absolute disdain for Saul Goodman was oozing out of his every pore. Here, we see a softer Mike as they finally stumble across some water in the desert and can take a brief moment to sit, rest, and hydrate.
Jimmy suggests that they split the $7 million they are carrying for Lalo’s bail and take off, but as usual Mike is sticking to his code—the money is not theirs and also taking it would make some very dangerous people very unhappy. Knowing that it’s an impossibility to take off with millions of cartel dollars consequence-free, Jimmy then presents Mike with a hypothetical: if they used the money to build a time machine, where would he go? Mike initially says December 8, 2001 (the day Matty was murdered), but he amends that to March 17, 1984: the day he took his first bribe. It’s not enough for Mike to go back and stop Matty’s murder; he has to go back to the root cause of everything, which is when he made the choice to become dirty. By doing so, he saves himself and his son. For Mike, that was the day that everything else became in some way inevitable—his first turn onto the bad choice road—and if given the chance, he would go back and change it. He also says he’d like to go into the future five or ten years to check in on Stacey and Kaylee, and this statement gave me the impression that Mike wasn’t sure he’d make it ten more years to actually see it (and we know, of course, that he doesn’t).

While Mike’s hypothetical time machine wishes show us that the only thing he truly cares about is his family, Jimmy’s response is all about money. He says he would go back and invest in Berkshire Hathaway so he’s a billionaire when he gets back to the present day. Mike isn’t really buying that there’s nothing in Jimmy’s life he wouldn’t want to go back and change, but Jimmy is not at a place where he’s willing to entertain that idea. In fact, as we see later, it takes him the entire rest of his story to get there.
We then pick up where we left off: Gene is trying to make another great escape after Marion turned him in. He’s still got his Band-Aid box of loose diamonds, which is presumably enough to get him Hoover Maxxed out of town, but there are cops everywhere looking for him and he’s got no place to hide except a dumpster. Jimmy has a long history with dumpsters—from his phone call with Rich Schweikart in “RICO” (S1E8) to the cold open of “Wine and Roses” (S6E1) where we saw the cardboard cutout Saul Goodman being thrown into a dumpster by the feds outside Saul’s mansion—and it’s fitting that this is the location where he makes his last stand. It’s painful to watch the diamonds spill out into the dumpster, his last chance at escape disappearing before his eyes, and just like that, Saul Goodman is finally busted.

There is something very sweet and sad about Gene using his phone call to check in with his employee at Cinnabon and let her know that she needs to contact corporate for a new manager. At this point, Gene has no one to call; Kim is clearly out of the question after their last conversation, and he’s got no friends or family left. He’s alone in the world and seems completely resigned to his fate. Once he gets locked up in his cell, he has his breakdown a la Walter White in “Crawl Space” (BrBa, S4E11). First, he’s incredulous that this is how Saul Goodman finally gets taken down, then he’s obviously regretting his recent choices to resume scamming as he punches the steel door, and then (after seeing a piece of graffiti on the wall that reads “My Lawyer Will Ream Ur Ass”) he goes full Walt with the hysterical laughter as a plan starts to come together in his mind. He’s not giving up just yet.
Gene asks for another phone call and dials up his old pal Bill Oakley, remembering that Francesca told him he’d started his own practice. There’s something of the old Jimmy McGill in Oakley, who drives a crappy car and answers his own phone “William Oakley and Associates, Trust experience, trust Oakley.” I can’t help but think about the Jimmy who was floundering as he tried to start his own private practice, driving his Esteem and answering his phone in that Mrs. Doubtfire accent, “James McGill, A Lawyer You Can Trust.” Saul presents this opportunity to Bill as a career-making case (not unlike the way Jimmy thought that the Kettleman case would put him on the map as a lawyer). Oakley isn’t convinced given the mountain of evidence against Saul, and when he asks him how he sees it all ending, he tells him, “With me on top, as always.” Saul clearly has a plan here, and it gives us as the audience some hope that maybe la cucaracha will yet again manage to survive against all odds.
Oakley flies out to Nebraska for Saul’s plea negotiation, and as Saul is escorted down the hall, he sees a surprise guest: Marie Schrader. With the number of charges—including accessory after the fact to Hank and Gomez’s murders—he’s facing life in prison plus 190 years, but the feds are willing to offer him a deal of 30 years. The whole time they are speaking, Saul is staring at the one-way mirror, knowing that Marie is behind it, and against the advice of his advisory counsel (because of course Saul Goodman is representing himself), he asks for Marie to be brought in to the room.
Marie finally gets to say her piece to one of the men responsible for Hank’s death, and with Walt dead and Jesse in the wind, Saul is the only person left that she can see punished for her husband’s murder. I’m sure Marie would have loved to see Walt in jail, but she will settle for Saul in Walt’s absence. Saul listens to her speak, looking repentant as she describes what a good man her husband was, but he ends up playing the victim. He describes how he came to work for Walt and Jesse, and how he did so out of fear and not for money, as she insisted. Marie isn’t having it—after all, this isn’t the first time she’s heard a guilty man give a false confession; she had to suffer through Walt’s lies about Hank in “Confessions” (BrBa, S5E11). The difference here is that the facts of what Saul is saying are all true: he was attacked by Walt and Jesse and held at gunpoint in the desert, Walt was responsible for killing potential informants (including a lawyer), and he did fear what Walt and the others would do to him if he stopped cooeperating. While he’s lying through his teeth about why he really continued to work for Walt (because in the end, his greed outweighed his fear) it is a story that he thinks at least one juror will believe, and that’s all it takes.
By threatening the US Attorney’s perfect prosecution record, he is able to put himself in a better position to negotiate (despite Marie’s protests). We are seeing Saul Goodman hard at work here and it’s actually pretty gross to watch. Marie is obviously disgusted with both Saul and the feds willing to negotiate with him, and poor Bill looks like he’s got no idea what’s going on (except that it’s something he doesn’t really want to be a part of). We are basically watching Marie be re-victimized here, and as much as I may want Saul to come out on top, I take no pleasure in him doing it at Marie’s expense.
Somehow, Saul manages to get them down to seven and a half years, but he doesn’t stop there. He insists on the cushiest federal prison in the system, and when he even gets that, he doesn’t stop. His last request for a weekly pint of Blue Bell Mint Chip ice cream is so egregious that everyone—including Oakley—is ready to ignore it, but he insists he’s got something good enough to warrant his weekly treat. What Saul doesn’t know is that his ace in the hole—information about Howard Hamlin’s murder—is old news; Kim already told them everything.
We get another flashback, this time to the period during “Granite State” (BrBa, S5E15) when Walt and Saul were hiding out in the basement of the Disappearer’s shop waiting to be shipped off to their respective new lives. Here we’ve got Walt at his most insufferable; stripped of all his power with no option except to run, he’s compensating by being the most obnoxious and condescending version of himself, obsessed with fixing the clicking sound in the pipes because it’s the one thing in his current environment he can control. Of course, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Walt use hot water heater issues to overcompensate for his loss of control. In “Over” (BrBa, S2E10), after celebrating the news of his remission, Walt uses his drug money to buy a top-of-the line water heater and becomes obsessed with fixing the rot in the boiler room. He’d always assumed the cancer would kill him and got into the meth business thinking his death would be his out, but his remission left him questioning his next move, hence avoiding going back to his teaching job and throwing himself into house repairs.
The other way he chooses to express his impotence is to put Saul down (not that that is new—he’s been doing it basically the entire time they’ve known each other). As he did with Mike years earlier, here Saul asks Walt the time machine question. Where Mike humored him, Walt is as obnoxious about it as is humanly possible, lambasting the entire concept of time travel from a scientific perspective instead of just going along with the spirit of the question. He does make a good point, which is that what Saul is actually asking is about regrets, but he does it in a patronizing way.
Walt eventually answers the question and tells Saul that his greatest regret was walking away from Gray Matter, the company he started which is now worth a fortune. Of course, Walt’s retelling of the events of his leaving is a bit of revisionist history; he makes it out to be some grand manipulation on Gretchen and Elliot’s part instead of his own decision to leave. While it was never explicitly stated in Breaking Bad, Vince Gilligan confirmed that the real reason Walt left Gray Matter was because he felt inferior to his then-girlfriend Gretchen, who came from a wealthy and powerful family. But of course Walt would never acknowledge this; in his mind, Gretchen and Elliot wronged him and stole his fortune and his legacy.
Saul isn’t privy to the real story, though, but he is intrigued by the possibility that he could have had an actual, above-board lawyer-client relationship with Walt where they could have sued Gray Matter for any number of things. Walt being Walt, though, can’t help himself from reminding Saul that he is the last lawyer on earth he would have hired for legitimate business. Knowing what we know about what Jimmy was capable of with the Sandpiper case (and what he still could have done if he’d chosen a different path as Saul Goodman), this is both a painful reminder of Jimmy McGill’s wasted potential and of the fact that it is Walt’s own choices that led him down the path of destruction that caught so many people in its wake. If Walt did have a time machine, the correct choice would have been to accept help from Gretchen and Elliot, but that’s just not in his nature. One way or another, Walter White was always going to self-destruct.
This time when Saul answers the time machine question, he chooses a time when he pulled a slip and fall and actually hurt himself (giving him his chronic knee problems). We learn that Slippin’ Jimmy was pulling his scams to put himself through bartending school, and Walt’s response is unsurprising: “So, you were always like this.” This whole scene gives big Chuck and Jimmy vibes, and when you think about it, Walt has always been a sort of Chuck figure in Saul’s life (although without the respect and remnants of brotherly love Jimmy had for Chuck). Walt has always treated Saul the way that Chuck saw him—not a real lawyer, a chimp with a machine gun. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Bob Odenkirk discusses the parallels between Walt and Chuck:
[Saul is] talking to Walter White and I think that emotionally he’s realizing, “Oh my God, what attracted me to this f—ing guy?” He was like Chuck. He was a smarter guy than me in a lot of ways. He castigated me. Walter White would say, “You f—ing idiot.” He was like, “You’re just a scumbag lawyer who’s just after money.” He didn’t respect me just like Chuck. He needed me. I just put myself in this f—ing paradigm again! And I’ve got this guy who everything I say he scoffs at and treats me like shit, why do I need this person in my life again? It’s that great thing of people unbeknownst to themselves find themselves rebuilding the paradigm with all the bad parts that they had as a kid. And that Walter White scenario is the same thing again. Walter is just a different version of Chuck.
Back in the 2010 timeline, Saul is on a flight back to Albuquerque in the custody of a US Marshall and wants to speak to Oakley and get more details on the Kim situation. Oakley tells him that the prosecutor will likely sit on it for lack of evidence, but that her real problem is the civil suit she opened herself up to when she took her statement and gave it to Cheryl Hamlin. Cheryl could easily take her for everything she has and will ever have, and that’s when the severity of Kim’s situation really hits Jimmy. Not only did she turn herself in to the DA, she faced Cheryl and told her the truth about what they did to her husband and the consequences of their actions. Kim took full accountability; she did exactly what he told her to do on the phone (although he wasn’t actually serious). At this point, even though she may not be facing criminal charges, Saul’s 7 years in prison is looking a lot better than whatever Cheryl and her lawyers have in store for Kim.
We can see something change in Saul here, and when Oakley comes back from the bathroom, he tells him that he’s got more information about Hamlin to trade, and that the new information involves Kim. Oakley points out that any additional evidence against Kim might bring worse than a civil suit, but Saul doesn’t seem to care about anything other than getting that Blue Bell mint chip ice cream. Since we know that even Saul Goodman at his worst wouldn’t ever actively try to harm Kim, we know he’s got something up his sleeve here, we just don’t know what it is yet.
Back in Florida, Kim is still living her half life, working her boring job, and eating her Miracle Whip sandwiches. But we see some signs of life as she leaves work early and heads to a free legal aid center. It’s a one-woman show over there, and the lawyer is more than happy to take Kim on as a volunteer. Volunteering at Central Florida Legal Aid may not be the Kim Wexler pro bono practice dream that she squandered, but it’s close enough to bring her back to life a bit. Kim decided she can’t be a lawyer anymore after what she’d done, but she can still make a difference in other ways. I think unburdening herself of her darkest secret has allowed her to think outside the box she hid herself away in. She did right by Cheryl, and of course it wasn’t enough because no admission of guilt can undo what she’s done, but I think that the only thing that is going to help Kim feel any sense of self-worth at this point is to do good for others, and volunteering her time at the legal aid center is the absolute perfect way for her to do that.
She’s working late when she gets a call from ADA Suzanne Ericsen informing her that Saul Goodman was arrested and extradited to New Mexico. The fact that this is the first that Kim is hearing about this tells me she likely avoids the news at all costs, preferring to watch mindless TV like The Amazing Race with Glen as opposed to keeping abreast on the goings on in the world. The news of Saul’s arrest isn’t the reason for the call, though; Suzanne wanted to give her a heads up that he is introducing new testimony that involves her. We don’t hear exactly what Suzanne tells her, but it’s enough to make Kim visibly agitated. It’s also enough to get her to Albuquerque for United States v. Saul Goodman which was, of course, the point.

Saul Goodman arrives at court in one of his classic garish suits—an outfit so loud it was offensive even in black-and-white—and he exchanges a look with Kim, who is nervously sitting in the back of the courtroom with her telltale heel bouncing. Marie and Blanca are there, ready to get whatever justice they can, although the plea agreement is a complete joke to them and, as it turns out, the judge presiding over the case agrees. She asks the US Attorney Castellano to explain himself but Saul interrupts and wants to speak against everyone (including the judge’s) advice to keep quiet and take the lenient deal. But Saul has made a decision—if Kim can put herself on the line and tell the whole ugly truth, so can he.
He starts by giving the same speech he gave at his plea negotiation, telling the truth about how he came to meet Walter White and that first terrifying night out in the desert, but then he starts to speak his truth: he did it all for the money. The judge and Oakley try to stop him from continuing but he insists, and he is sworn in. Here we see Jimmy McGill start to shed Saul Goodman once and for all as he looks back at Kim and tells the court that he lied about her involvement in Howard’s murder just to get her to come to court. You can see that her simmering anger has been replaced with confusion as she wonders what game he is running here, but she soon sees that for once, there is no game.
Jimmy tells the court how he was instrumental to the entire operation, how without him, Walter White would have been dead or in jail. He doesn’t say this out of any sort of hubris, though; he says it because it’s the truth and it speaks to the level of responsibility he is finally taking for Walt’s crimes (and those crimes, like Hank and Gomez’s murders, that are Walt adjacent). He looks back at Kim after this admission and he sees it’s not quite enough—he needs to dig deeper to get at the real truth and admit to his original sin.
After years of lying to himself and everyone else about his feelings, Jimmy admits In court, in front of everyone, that his actions directly led to Chuck’s death. As he speaks about Chuck, we get a shot of the exit sign in the courtroom—a painful callback to “Chicanery” (S3E5) which was the beginning of the end for Chuck. Of course, this admission has nothing to do with the case at hand, but it’s not for the court’s benefit; it’s for Kim and it’s for himself. Telling the truth about the role he played in Chuck’s suicide is the final step for him to completely shed the Saul Goodman persona and become Jimmy McGill again, and he even tells the court that his name is Jimmy McGill. This is miles away from the man who, confronted with Howard’s own guilt surrounding Chuck’s death in “Smoke” (S4E1), told Howard that was his own cross to bear. Jimmy knew Howard was suffering from the guilt that should have been on his shoulders, and he let him suffer while he pretended to feel nothing. Now, with Howard gone and Jimmy (again) responsible, he is finally bearing that cross himself. As he tells the court, “I’ll live with that”—and he has been living with it, but it’s been buried so far down under layer upon layer of self-delusion and false personas that he hasn’t actually felt it much less admitted it to anyone (Kim included). After years of waiting for Jimmy to be honest with himself about Chuck, Kim finally hears him say what she always knew to be true.
It’s fitting that the series, which began with Jimmy fighting to keep his own name when Howard (via Chuck) didn’t want him to use it professionally, and then brought us through two other iterations of Jimmy (Saul and Gene), is ending with him reclaiming the name Jimmy McGill once and for all. He’s living in his truth now, regardless of the consequences, and he’s deemed himself worthy of the name McGill again. He knows the 7 years is off the table , but it doesn’t matter to him because he’s lost his freedom but he’s reclaimed his soul. When he and Kim share a look after he speaks of Chuck, that is Kim finally seeing her Jimmy again. As Rhea Seehorn put it in an interview with the LA Times, “those last moments in the courtroom are the two of them seeing each other without masks, like they used to.”
I don’t think she takes any comfort in the fact that he’s going to be in prison for the rest of his life after this. She doesn’t want to see him suffer, but she understands that it’s something he needed to do because she felt the same way about having to be honest about what happened to Howard. There’s something freeing in it, even if they both end up losing their freedom (although I don’t think Kim will actually be prosecuted, especially now that they’ve got the notorious Saul Goodman behind bars). I think it’s enough that Jimmy has finally learned to replace his “I did bad things so I’m a bad person and can do worse things” approach with “I did bad things so I need to change my behavior and do good things.” It’s a lesson Kim is just learning as well.
With the Chuck confession fresh in our minds, the episode takes us back in time to the early days of the series (and judging by the fact that the newsstand doesn’t yet carry Chuck’s favorite Financial Times, I would say this interaction between Jimmy and Chuck takes place sometime not long before the start of Season 1). Jimmy is where he was when we met him: taking care of Chuck’s special needs while struggling to build his own practice doing PD work. Here, we see Chuck actually making an attempt with Jimmy, asking him if he wants to stay a while and talk about work, but Jimmy is defensive and tells him he doesn’t feel like being criticized. After two flashbacks where we see Jimmy lying about the time machine question (i.e. what he would go back and change), the final flashback of the series shows us instead of telling us. Jimmy’s greatest regret has always been what happened between him and Chuck because it’s the mistake that all other mistakes came from. Without Chuck’s death, none of the rest of it happens. Does Jimmy McGill still run questionable scams with Kim and cut corners and just generally occupy a morally gray space? Sure, but he doesn’t become Saul Goodman.
While I don’t think this is showing us the exact moment he would go back to—even though we do see a copy of H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine make an appearance, as it did in “Wine and Roses” (S6E1) and “Carrot and Stick” (S6E2)—it is showing us that Jimmy’s greatest regret is the deterioration of his relationship with his brother. I don’t know whether he would choose the moment he got his malpractice insurance canceled, or whether he’d go back and not mess with the Mesa Verde documents, or whether it’s something even earlier—some minor thing, like staying and having a conversation with his brother, but Jimmy’s bad choice road leads back to Chuck. During their conversation, Chuck tells Jimmy, “If you don’t like where you’re heading, there’s no shame in going back and changing your path,” and we’ve only just seen Jimmy truly go back and change his path. Up until then, all his changes and transformations were just worse versions of the same choices. It’s like Chuck says—they always end up having the same conversation. It’s true of their relationship, but it’s also true of Jimmy’s larger story: he always ends up having the same conversation with himself and making the same bad choices, but the Better Call Saul series finale finally shows us Jimmy McGill making a real change. That’s how it can still be hopeful even though he goes from 7 years to 86, because we actually get Jimmy back (and so does Kim).

Instead of his cushy prison of choice, Jimmy ends up in the exact prison he described to the feds as “the Alcatraz of the Rockies,” but even that isn’t as bleak as it could be. He may not be able to golf there, but his reputation precedes him and it seems as if ol’ Saul Goodman is popular in prison. I can see him doling out free legal advice (and maybe some fresh-baked bread) to his fellow inmates and winning their favor and just generally being well-liked by the criminal element who used to make up his client base. Walt would have done terribly in prison, but something tells me Jimmy is gonna be ok.
But what really makes the prison ending feel like a happy ending is the fact that Kim (using her old bar cards with no expiration date) comes to visit Jimmy. There’s not much said between them and it very closely echoes that scene between the two of them in the pilot episode (“Uno” S1E1) when they share a cigarette in the HHM parking garage. Back then, we didn’t know a thing about Kim Wexler or what her relationship to Jimmy McGill was, but from the very beginning and with just a few words and a shared smoke, we could sense there was a deep intimacy between these two people. Here again, we aren’t sure exactly what their relationship is to each other after all that has happened. I believe they still love each other very deeply, but they both know that they will not able to be together in any real way. Still, there is that spark between them—and it’s worth noting that the only thing in color in the black-and-white timeline in this episode is the fire from the lighter and the burning embers of the cigarette they share. It’s literally light in the darkness, and that’s what they are to one another still.
The last line of dialogue between them is Jimmy saying, “86 years, but with good behavior, who knows?” and that really sets the tone for the ending which is left open-ended in the best possible way. As Kim walks past the prison yard on her way out, she sees Jimmy standing there and he gives her the old finger guns—the same finger guns Kim gave him at the end of “Something Unforgivable” (S5E10) when the idea for the Hamlin scam was born. In this context, I think Jimmy’s finger guns are sort of an acknowledgment that they will always have some connection, that they will always be partners in some way (though no longer partners in marriage or in crime). She doesn’t shoot them back to him, but that’s ok because she does look back on her way out before the prison gate closes behind her, and for me, that’s enough of an acknowledgment that I don’t think this is the end of McWexler.
To me, what makes this a perfect finale, what makes it so satisfying, is that it allows us to decide what the future holds for Jimmy and Kim. We are left with the two of them finally seeing each other again—as each other, for who they really are—after all these years, and the spark is still there. Maybe Kim visits whenever she can, maybe they write to one another, maybe Kim keeps working at the legal aid center and Jimmy is the most popular inmate in the history of prisons and they are actually happy in their lives even though they are apart.
And hey, with good behavior, who knows?
A great finale examining a great end to a great show. You remain my favorite writer on this website.
A great finale examining a great end to a great show. You remain my favorite writer on this website.
A wonderful and meaningful recap to one of the best final episodes of any series ever! Thanks for summing it all up for us Ali. Very well done summation.
A wonderful and meaningful recap to one of the best final episodes of any series ever! Thanks for summing it all up for us Ali. Very well done summation.
Thank you for this ultimate recap (hopin’ you will write another article about the complete series now)… My main thought about this season compared to season 5 is this cloak of loneliness which leaks on the screen – “Severance” gave me the same feeling too. Can’t say for sure if it is because of Covid-relating shooting conditions but it feels like it…
And by the way, it’s the first time I looked at your photo after the article, I was surprised, I thought you were of Arabian origin because of the name Ali !
Thank you for this ultimate recap (hopin’ you will write another article about the complete series now)… My main thought about this season compared to season 5 is this cloak of loneliness which leaks on the screen – “Severance” gave me the same feeling too. Can’t say for sure if it is because of Covid-relating shooting conditions but it feels like it…
And by the way, it’s the first time I looked at your photo after the article, I was surprised, I thought you were of Arabian origin because of the name Ali !
Excellent and insightful summary. I had to watch the episode twice and still felt I hadn’t completely come to grips with it! I think this was a great ending, while raw and somewhatbfut-wrenching, there was redemption for Jimmy, a spark of life for Kim, and some hope for us that maybe somehow the 2 of them will ‘live happily ever after’…one day
Excellent and insightful summary. I had to watch the episode twice and still felt I hadn’t completely come to grips with it! I think this was a great ending, while raw and somewhatbfut-wrenching, there was redemption for Jimmy, a spark of life for Kim, and some hope for us that maybe somehow the 2 of them will ‘live happily ever after’…one day