The following contains spoilers for Reginald the Vampire S1E6: “Halfway to a Threeway” (written by Shevon Singh, based on the books by Johnny B. Truant and directed by Lee Rose)
I’m annoyed. My girl Ashley (Marguerite Hanna) deserves better than Reginald’s (Jacob Batalon) toxic vampiric assassin leftovers. Last week ended with a cliffhanger where Nikki (Christin Park), in a trance, joined Sarah (Em Haine) and Reginald on stage during their karaoke rendition of “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”
As it turns out, it was “love.” And for an entire episode, Reginald the Vampire S1E6 (“Halfway to a Threeway”), we have to dance around this love triangle until we get to why we’re all here—Sarah tries to stake Reginald. She’s been glamoured by Angela, of course! Sarah wouldn’t hate Reginald if she knew. Although, that would be fun to watch.

Anyway, I’m annoyed. They were on such a role with Ashley and her investigation! There was a threat; there was fear. She could be a friend or a foe. Then Nikki, the not-so-friendly assassin, came into the picture and got Ashley’s heart fluttering. The future was bright; the curious investigator would soften the gruesome vampire’s heart, and they would band together and help Reginald in their own way. IF ONLY! It was taken from us!
Now, Nikki has some kind of childish version of love. She talks about Reginald having the voice of an angel, and Park performs an infantilised infatuation when she’s around Batalon. We take a very confusing turn with Nikki’s character. Sure, she came off as a playful insane killer before, but that playfulness is different when she’s around Reginald. It feels less Harley Quinn and more like a fetishised schoolgirl.

Then she saves Reginald from his girlfriend, and she’s that cool girl again. She smooths over Reginald’s anxious edges, and we’re left assuming they hooked up—on the same night Reg was supposed to lose his virginity to Sarah. It’s a good plot point, a great one even, but the road to get there was messy.
So, many scenes in this episode were coincidental and didn’t make sense. When Sarah ran into Maurice (Mandela Van Peebles), what are we supposed to believe about the scene just before when Reginald appeared to be walking Sarah home, concerned for her safety? He got home, and we saw him at his place bombarded by Nikki, but Sarah didn’t get home; she ran into Maurice. What does that mean? Did they split ways? Did she walk him home? Both conclusions are odd, considering he feared an assassin was after them. Just an abysmal choice when outlining this episode. It doesn’t make sense temporally or emotionally. They then changed locations to her living room for tea, which was unnecessary if you asked me.

We also got odd out-of-the-blue scenes. We saw Mike (Ryan Jinn) hooking up with one of Angela’s minions at what appeared to be the set for Angela’s lair/house, and that was it. Mike has nothing to do with the rest of the plot in this episode; it was just a scene to show he was still in town. Again, it was a waste of valuable airtime. It would have fit much better in an episode where he was actually involved in what was going on. We don’t need to know Mike is still in town; you can tell us later.
Then there was the scene where Angela (Savannah Basley) appears to be sleeping with and feeding on a mother of at least two. A relationship that seems dear to Angela because she confides in her. It’s unclear why we needed this scene. Perhaps it was to show that Angela has emotions or is stressed, but that’s not what we want from our villain. With the way this woman in charge keeps failing at her purpose, I don’t want to see her soften; I want to be afraid; I want her hard. That’s why I LOVED when she compelled Sarah to stake Reginald. That was a baller move but overshadowed by poor writing surrounding it.
I feel like I keep repeating myself every week. This show has so much potential! Why isn’t it good yet?
I want to say that it’s bad, but I am frustrated by the turns they’re taking and how many characters they’re introducing. It’s hard to keep track of who matters and who’s only here for today. This show has no issue with giving you a piece of juicy plot and then putting it on hold for an entire episode of fluff before giving you another juicy piece.

Wasn’t it just last week that Reginald’s little human friend Claire (Thailey Roberge) asked to be a vampire? That would have been a perfectly good B plot for Reginald the Vampire S1E6! It would have given several characters something real to do, and the love triangle wouldn’t have felt so slow. Let’s be honest, was there a B Plot in this episode? I’m pretty sure there wasn’t.
Even when I try to immerse myself in this show and let it take me where it wants to, I get put off by some of Jacob Batalon’s performance. I’m starting to find his comedic talents bleed too much into what is supposed to read as genuine. And on the occasion that his sheepishness does fade away, it never feels like it’s at the right moment. Along with that, many scenes could, in general, move more quickly through the dialogue, there are far too many dramatic pauses, and cutaways take too long.
I don’t know; I’m starting to lose hope for this series which is so sad because I love the concept so much! But the delivery is not getting better. Perhaps now that we’re past the halfway mark, we’ll see more of these loose ends tied up, and the episodes will have more to offer.