The following contains spoilers for the series finale of His Dark Materials: S3E7, “The Clouded Mountain” (written by Francesca Gardiner and directed by Amit Gupta), and S3E8, “The Botanic Garden” (written by Francesca Gardiner and directed by Harry Wootliff).
Welcome back, dear reader, as we wrap up our coverage of the final season of His Dark Materials. Where Episode 5 and 6 were tied together like two parts of a single movie, these two episodes were very clear and distinct. In fact, it seemed like Episode 7 served as the Season 3 finale and Episode 8 served as the overall series finale.
Both of those endings are embodied by a particular “fall.” In Episode 7, it is a physical fall: Asriel, Marisa, and Metatron falling into the Abyss. The fallen angel kicked out of Heaven this time not by God, but by Man. In Episode 8, it is a metaphorical fall—the reenactment of the “Fall of Man,” but retold Philip Pullman style. Both are happy endings, and yet also sad endings.
Lord Asriel
The Clouded Mountain of the Episode 7 title is Metatron’s entire castle, the literal Kingdom of Heaven. And it draws nigh, as the saying goes, looming over the horizon as Asriel’s encampment scrambles to prepare for the final battle. Dare I draw a parallel to the Death Star coming into position over a certain rebel base?
The Rebellion has a new plan. They don’t have to win; they just have to keep Metatron busy while Lyra and Will sneak in and out of this world to collect their daemons. Good thing that, because they look to be pretty well outnumbered. Nonetheless, Lord Asriel rallies the troops with an inspiring speech and hops in his X-wing, er, rather, his Intention Craft, to go take the fight to the enemy.
Mrs. Coulter
Mrs. Coulter is pretty much a badass in this episode. Though Asriel’s technology is protecting the camp from angels, as she predicted, Metatron does not attack with angels. He starts with the Spectres, and Marisa is called to action. She has developed such mastery over the creatures that not only can she control them, she can also now destroy them through sheer force of will.
That garners the attention of Metatron himself, seeing her not as an easily dispatched irritant like Asriel, but as a potential equal. He offers to make her an angel, to command the multiverse by his side. Mrs. Coulter lures him in with the truth of her hatred for how her irrational love for Lyra makes her feel weak.
Thinking to appease his newly won ally, Metatron parades the defeated Asriel in front of her. Just as he is about to dispatch his unworthy opponent, Metatron is distracted by the Knife Bearer opening a window. Together, Marisa, Asriel, and Asriel’s daemon Stelmaria, take down Metatron “for Lyra,” tumbling into the abyss below. Lyra watches in confusion as Mrs. Coulter’s golden monkey daemon throws the switch on the trap, dissolving into Dust as the fate of her parents is forever sealed.
Will and Lyra arrive in the Mufela world, still separated from their daemons but able to know they are there and safe. Lyra is greatly confused by what she was told and what she saw of her parents in the end, and has the sneaking suspicion that she shouldn’t completely hate them anymore. A definite sign that she is maturing.
The Mufela take them to Dr. Malone for a heartwarming reunion. Mary shows them what is happening to this world, how the Dust is flooding out and with it all the thought, imagination, and feeling. She posits that perhaps “some great discovery” could draw the Dust back.
With that, the Serpent unknowingly delivers her Temptation, in the form of a true story about her life. Mary recounts, at last, the how and why she left her life as a nun. How she rediscovered the spark of life through a chance experience of love. How she risked everything, sure of rejection, and how it changed her life forever.
The Fall
The next morning, Lyra and Will insist on going off on their own to search for their daemons. Lyra takes the lead on their budding romance, finding reasons to touch Will and sneak a quick peck on the cheek. Will, on the other hand, is left feeling like an idiot after he fumbles his moment during their reenactment of The Blue Lagoon.
Nonetheless, it happens. The prophecy is fulfilled. “The love of Eve shall heal the Earth, and all the world shall feel it.” It’s the kiss felt ‘round the world, as it were. The two young lovers are bursting with Dust from the discovery of love, as their innocence turns to experience. The flow of Dust into the Mulefa world is once again restored. The entire universe is healing.
The Bench
The angel Xaphania bursts their bubble by explaining that there is still work to be done. Every window left open by previous Knife Bearers allows Dust to flow out and darkness to flow in. The only way to close them all is to destroy the Knife and never use it again. No more travelling between worlds for Will and Lyra. Yet neither can they be together in either one of their worlds, because their daemons won’t survive. They’re being forced apart.
They rail against the unfairness of it all, but ultimately come to accept their fate. Lyra and Serafina are returned to their world, and Will and Mary return to theirs. Before departing, Will and Lyra pledge their undying love, promising to return every year to the bench that exists in each of their respective worlds. A promise they keep, honoring their love by living out their lives, doing great things, and—in a hint of things to come—by experiencing other great adventures.
Quick Takes
A couple of quick takes on the rest of the two-part finale:
- What exactly is Asriel firing out of the Intention Craft’s guns? He’s shooting at ethereal beings, after all.
- They really ate up some screen time stretching out both the spectre attack on the base camp and the creatures attacking Commander Ogunwe’s men retrieving Lyra. Both scenes just seemed to go on and on forever.
- It’s a nice parallel how both parents are confessing to Metatron their true imperfect motives towards Lyra at the same time. Lord Asriel’s jealousy that she is the true “chosen one” and Mrs. Coulter’s hatred of how Lyra makes her feel weak.
- The angels can close all the previously left open windows after the Knife was broken. So why didn’t they do so when it was broken while Will was rescuing Lyra?
- Both Pan and Kirjava were able to take bird forms to follow Serafina. Neither had yet settled, indicating that both Will and Lyra just came of age with the discovery of their love.
- I presume the body that was trapped in Metatron’s cube was the Authority. He didn’t put his regent in charge in his absence, he was captured and jailed by Metatron.
Best lines of the episodes:
- “We’ve come this far, and you still don’t understand. We’re in this together.”
- “I’ve given the girl nothing. But at the very least, I can buy her time.”
- “You are a cesspit of moral filth.”
- “How easily you bleed.”
- “For Lyra.”
- “I’m just glad you washed, because you kind of stank!”
- “You know, a year ago, this would have blown my mind, but now it’s no crazier than talking bears and angels.”
- “We have this stupid idea as humans that we’re the pinnacle of evolution, but we’ve got so much wrong.”
- “All she did was offer me a sweet, and it changed my life forever.”
- “Desire is not sin. Love takes a million forms, each of them beautiful, each of them worthy. You who judge, you’re just afraid.”
- “Is that really all it took? Something so small and ordinary?” “Love is never small to those that discover it for the first time.”
- “There are fates even the most powerful have to submit to.”
In the News
Here I try to point you to a few of the more interesting and informative news items related to His Dark Materials:
- Georgina Lara Booth interviews James McAvoy and Ruth Wilson together on her YouTube channel. It’s a fun little interview where you get to see some of the behind the scenes chemistry these two obviously have.
- Metro has a lengthy interview with visual supervisor Russell Dodgson where he goes into detail about the visual effects behind Angels, Gallivespians, Harpies, and Mulefa.
- James McAvoy continues to plug away at the interview circuit with another one for Radio Times.
- One of the advantages of putting out an article late (OK, super late) is that I can pick up on news that came out well after the episodes aired. The HDRoom has news about the DVD and Blu-ray release of Season 3. It will be available on April 25 in both formats, and also releasing the same day will be His Dark Materials: The Complete Series.
That’s all for this week. Please let me know your thoughts and feelings about this week’s episodes, the season, and the series His Dark Materials in the comments below.
All images courtesy of HBO