
Down the Rabbit/Hole with Kiefer Sutherland’s New Show on Paramount+

Here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place

A man runs in a dark leather jacket and pants behind him is a yellow wall with the words Rabbithold

I have always been a fan of thrillers and the subgenre of paranoid conspiracy thrillers. It’s a particular favorite of mine. If you are unfamiliar with this genre, it’s films or TV shows that feature an individual who is faced with insurmountable odds and who is being hunted by dark forces after they unwittingly become involved in a conspiracy. Some of the more famous examples of these are films like The Parallax View (1973) and The Package (1983), and TV shows like Burn Notice or 24. 

So I was excited when I heard about Rabbit/Hole, a new TV show starring Kiefer Sutherland (of 24 fame). The show is unusual as its focus is not on government spies but on the corporate world and the espionage that goes on within its brightly lit corridors of power. The program stars Kiefer Sutherland as John Weir, Charles Dance as Dr. Ben Wilson, and Meta Golding as Hailey Winton

The story follows Sutherland’s John Weir, who is a private espionage operative who runs his own firm of spies that work for the highest bidder. Their work involves surveillance and framing things to look certain ways for clients to ensure an outcome. They are very good at their jobs and deliver results in spectacular fashion. 

Man with dark sunglasses looks around corner of a wall. Behind him is a wall covered with newspapers.

However things go wrong when Weir takes on a job for a high-profile client. The job goes well, only for Weir’s headquarters to be blown up and his team killed. He is then framed for a murder he did not commit and must go on the run. 

Overall Rabbit/Hole is a breath of fresh air to the genre of conspiracy thrillers, offering something new in a familiar packaging. Kiefer Sutherland returns to his 24 roots, but changes things up by mixing the spy antics in with some wild and mind-melting twists that will leave you breathless and asking, “Wait what just happened!?” 

It is also interesting to see a spy show from the perspective of corporate America seemingly without the bent of government involvement. The acting is strong and the environment lush. Rabbit/Hole is a love letter to the conspiracy films of yesteryear. It manages to keep you on the edge of your seat. However, it does not stress you out too much. It’s wild and filled with twists but also takes time to get you invested in its lead charcter. John Weir is not just a moving plot point, he has a backstory, emotions, and needs. You feel for him and root for him to escape whatever conspiracy he is in the middle of, plus there is just something nostalgic about seeing Kiefer Sutherland back kicking ass as a super spy! 

Rabbit/Hole is streaming on Paramount+ 

Check out the trailer here

Written by Byron Lafayette

Journalist, film critic, and author, with a (possibly unhealthy) obsession with Pirates of the Caribbean, Zack Snyder and movies in general, Byron has written for many publications over the years, yet never shows his face. To partially quote (and mangle) Batman V Superman "If you seek his face look around you"

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