
Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6 — Layers to the Mystery

“The Joy of Killing”

Dexter and Deb on a double date in Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6
Screenshot / Showtime

Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6 is now available to stream on Paramount + and will also air on the Showtime network in its regular Sunday time slot. If you haven’t seen this episode (written by Terry Huang & directed by Michael Lehmann) proceed with caution, as we’re about to get into heavy spoiler territory.

After last week’s series standout episode, I was genuinely curious how this prequel series would fare as we entered the back half of the season. To be fair, it’s exceeded all expectations so far. But could it stick the landing? After Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6, I am starting to think they will.

One thing all Dexter series have been guilty of is being predictable. They rarely go the route of surprise. It’s more about the moments and, in particular, the anticipation. Which is fine—not every show needs to be a mystery. The obvious conclusion isn’t always a bad thing. I’ve been saying all along that Captain Aaron Spencer is the “Big Bad” of this season. He’s a character that isn’t mentioned in the larger narrative. He’s played by Patrick Dempsey, which checks the strength of actor box. We’ve seen his obsession with the job and with the cartel. We’ve seen his failed marriage, and we’ve seen suspicious behavior (removing Harry from a high profile case).

Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6 decided to lay it on even thicker. Another child has been kidnapped just like the judge’s son Jimmy. Taken to the same bloodstained location. Fed the same boxed meal. Only this time, it’s Captain Spencer’s child. If Spencer is behind the kidnapping, it would ensure suspicion never comes his way and that he looks like even more of a warrior against the cartel, who he’s blamed this all on.

A fight at Miami Metro in Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6
Screenshot / Showtime

But there might be suspicion coming his way. We saw Tonya mention that whoever took his son knew to wipe the crime scene of any evidence and even to avoid the oil slick in the garage. Tonya’s body language and tone of voice told an additional story here, one of her police instincts telling her that something is wrong.

Prediction: Captain Spencer kills or has Tonya killed before the season is over. He knows she’s the one person that might be onto him. Her death will have a massive ripple effect, resulting in Dexter experiencing rage.

Let’s Talk About Dex Bay Bay

Perhaps I buried the headline here, but in Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6Dexter has his first sexual experience! Moments like these do bring a teen drama type sense to otherwise heavy material. Watching Dexter (and Deb) fumble their way through firsts and awkward adolescence moments is humorous and often funny.

Bathroom blowjobs aside, Dexter was involved in several plot points that should be paying off soon. His double date with Deb, her bestie and Gio, the new love interest, showed that Gio is no stranger to criminal activity and also has a temper. While internet theories are running rampant that Gio might be a good guy who gets killed, further traumatizing Deb, I’m not buying it. Again, this series usually foreshadows its endings, and right now, this show is telling us that Gio is involved with criminals and could be one himself. There have obviously been hints that Gil’s dad could be involved with the cartel. If that’s the case, given the fact that Captain Spencer is ready to blame both high profile kidnappings on the cartel, there could be significant overlap between that story and the Deb story soon.

Also in this episode, Dexter was investigating a crime scene with Maria and Harry. Dexter proposed the theory that the last three murders he’s investigated could be connected and be the work of a serial killer. There’s no way that something like this would be dropped unless there’s a payoff. A new serial killer being introduced to the narrative. Could it be the one they foreshadowed this week? Nice Easter egg…

An ice truck in Miami, a subtle Easter Egg in Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6.
Screenshot/ Showtime

Finally, before we move away from Dexter, he committed his third murder this week, which officially makes him a serial killer. There’s something profound (and funny) about his first sexual experience happening 24 hours before the murder that made him a serial killer. Almost like all of his innocence was gone now perhaps? Dexter did kill the murderer who escaped justice last week and his killing ritual seemed a lot more like what we would see in the original series. It’s all coming together now for Dexter.

Except that when he went to dispose of the body, police were all over his swampy dumping ground. As it turns out, the arm of one his victims was discovered and now a murder he committed is being investigated. Given the references to boats in this episode, this plot point is likely a setup to the last missing piece of Dexter’s ritual—taking the body to sea on his boat to dispose of it. The puzzle is almost complete, but just like any other teenager, Dexter is learning the hard way through his own mistakes.

The Ballad of Harry (continued)

Back in 1973 (or is it now 1974?), we see the that a lot of time has passed. Doris’ pregnancy has flown by and she’s now set to give birth any day now. Harry is still sleeping with Laura Moser, who does seem to have feelings for Harry. He’s just distant, though. He cares about Laura. He cares about Doris. He cares about Dexter and the unborn baby too. He’s just too broken to show it to any of them, and because of this hurts them all in the process.

Laura Moser walking into a meeting in Dexter: Original Sin Episode 6
Screenshot / Showtime

Laura knows her days are numbered. She “gets a promotion” within the cartel, after witnessing an act of violence designed to frighten loyalty into her. She tells Harry to pull her out before she dies. She says these haunting words that we know will come true. But ultimately, Harry—like Aaron Spencer—is married to the job. Sure, he cares about this woman but he cares more about the investigation and bringing down the cartel. The lengths that these cops will go to in order to bring down the cartel is staggering.

Which brings me back to the beginning of this article. Dexter isn’t a mystery. It’s a story about moments and anticipation. Right now, we know that Laura Moser’s days are numbered. It’s hard to watch, knowing that she knows that too. As an audience, we wonder if this week will be the week she dies and Dexter is baptized in blood. It’s coming. It’s coming soon. Our story’s painful origin is about to happen and the anticipation is brutal.

Written by Andrew Grevas

A staunch defender of the series finales for both Lost & The Sopranos and watched Twin Peaks at the age of 5 during its original run, which explains a lot about his personality.

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