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The TV Obsessive Podcast Episode 85: News, Notes & Silo S2E10

Juliette and Solo look for a safeguard procedure solution
Photo Courtesy Apple TV+

This week, on The TV Obsessive Podcast Episode 85, Caemeron and Ryan discuss the Season 2 finale of Silo, S2E10, “Into the Fire.” But first, in the news:

Knox and Shirley lead a rebellion to the upper levels
Photo Courtesy Apple TV+

On Silo Season 2 Episode 10, “Into the Fire”

This episode was written by Aric Avelino,and directed by Amber Templemore. Silo is taken from a series of short stories by Hugh Howey.

Before Juliette and Jimmy can leave Silo 17, he shows her information about something called the Safeguard Procedure which is poison that can be pumped into the silo and kill all its inhabitants. Jimmy’s parents figured out a way to stop it and Juliette must do the same to save her people in Silo 18. 

The new suit that Juliette found is full of holes and unusable, so after Jimmy tests the fire suit, Juliette leaves Jimmy, Rick, Audrey, Benny, Tess, and Hope behind to go back to her home. 

In Silo 18, Knox and Shirley are finalizing plans to attack raiders and blow up the generator, but it ends up being a diversion they all—including Walker—are putting in front of Bernard so he will arrest Mechanical and take them up top and send all the raiders down below to defuse the bomb. 

The deputies release the Mechanical prisoners, arm them, and let them take over the top levels while Dr. Nichols sacrifices himself, setting off a bomb that destroys the stairs in the silo, trapping all the raiders in the Down Deep. 

Lukas returns and tells Bernard he knows what the Safeguard Procedure is, Bernard gives up his key and command to Sims, and then takes a suit and heads to the top of the silo. Sims takes his family to the vault, but the AI only wants his wife Camille to stay. 

Juliette arrives just as rioters are about to go outside and tells them it is not safe. She runs into Bernard and tells him she has a way to deactivate the Safeguard Procedure. 

The episode ends with a flashback to Washington DC where a congressman from Georgia meets with a reporter, Helen, where they discuss a dirty bomb that went off in the U.S. that came from Iran, and potential retaliation. When they part, the congressman gives Helen a duck Pez dispenser that is the same one George gave Juliette many years in the future. 

  • What does Lukas whisper to Bernard?
  • Big theories in light of the coda
  • Will Bernard survive?
  • Will we see the folks in Silo 17 again?

Next Time on The TV Obsessive Podcast…

We continue our coverage of Severance with a look at Season 2 Episode 2.

Written by TV Obsessive

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