Connor Cable
I am an avid entertainment consumer, always trying to stay on top of the latest and greatest across movies, television and video games. I also love to make short films on occasion, as well as take photographs. My (other) day job is as a writer for a local news station.
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in VideogamesSuper Mario Odyssey: Where In The World Is Mario?
We have spent the last few months traversing the vast landscape that is the Super Mario series, and now we are at the very last game we need to discuss: Super Mario Odyssey. This game is the most recent release in the Super Mario series, it is currently the only release of the series on […] More
in VideogamesSuper Mario 3D World: A Fun Twist on Old Traditions
We have graduated from the realms of outer space and have landed back on earth to explore brand new worlds in our next Mario game. And we are going to do it all in a… catsuit? That’s right, the next Super Mario platformer for us to explore is 2013’s Super Mario 3D World for the […] More
in Favorites
My Top Five Favorite Adult Animated TV Shows
Animated television shows have been around since the ’60s when shows like The Flintstones and The Jetsons first graced our small screens. Ever since, most, if not all, animated shows have been targeted at kids and reserved for Saturday mornings. However, ever since The Simpsons first showed up on television in 1989, animated shows geared […] More
Super Mario Galaxy: The Best Mario Game There Ever Was
In this week’s chapter in our Super Mario series, we have finally come to what many believe to be the greatest game of all time. I am of course talking about the one and only, Super Mario Galaxy. This game is the first time that Nintendo took a real step out of their comfort zone […] More
A Perfect 10 by Daft Punk
In this week’s “A Perfect 10,” I am going to explore the 10 songs that best represent a band that has single-handedly redefined the genre of dance/house/electronic music time and time again: Daft Punk. The French duo of Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo have only released four original albums over the course of nearly […] More
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in VideogamesSuper Mario 64: The Game That Ushered In The 3D Era
The next chapter in our Mario series holds a very special place in my heart, as it is a game that was both the first game I ever paid any serious attention to, and the game that took me the longest time to beat. I also happen to share a birthday with this game, which […] More
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in VideogamesA Brave New World – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the best game of the past decade, full stop. It is not too often that a game is released where one can be confident in saying it is one of the best games in recent memory. To be totally honest, those moments are so few and […] More
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in VideogamesThe Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess
At 25YL, we love gaming, and moreover, we love The Legend of Zelda series. That’s why we’re going to cover the entire official Nintendo franchise, including the handheld games, every week. This week we look at Wii launch title (and Gamecube swan song), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Over the last few installments of the […] More
in Episode of the Week“My Musical”: Scrubs’ Version of Broadway and Showtunes
The musical episode of show is not a new idea. Everything from Grey’s Anatomy to Riverdale has dabbled in the musical arts for the small screen. That being said, there are many different ways that episodes can handle the music. Sometimes a singular song (or group of songs) is simply a strong overarching theme. Other […] More
in Videogames
Pokemon Sword and Shield: Day 1 Review
If you know anything about video games, then you absolutely know that Pokemon is one of the most storied and beloved franchises in all of gaming. For the past two decades, fans have been setting out on adventures, exploring new worlds, finding new pokemon, and becoming the champion. We are entering a new generation in […] More
in VideogamesMy First MMO: Through the Lens of The Elder Scrolls Online
I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember. From a very young age, I have dabbled in games of nearly every genre; fighting, racing, sports, shooters, casual, puzzle, RPGs, and then some. One of the few genre’s I have not had the pleasure of partaking in has been the world […] More
in Episode of the Week“Roswell That Ends Well”: Futurama and the Grandfather Paradox
Over the past few months, the weekly dive into sci-fi television episodes has seen shows such as The X-Files, Twilight Zone, and Doctor Who. Each of these is a fantastic science-fiction piece that are ripe with analysis. This week, I am going to switch it up a little bit. Out of all the sci-fi shows […] More