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  • sam face yawning

    Death Stranding: Day 25 Review

    While playing through Death Stranding’s long, convoluted story, I alternated between leisurely completing side deliveries and just ploughing through the chapters for the sake of writing this review. I’ve traveled thousands of miles, exterminated multiple BTs, delivered several packages and watched hours of cut scenes before reaching the end of Kojima’s latest yarn. Now that […] More

  • sam heartman and die hardman

    Death Stranding: Day 1 Review

    Genius. Artist. Madman. These are just some of the adjectives people have used to describe Hideo Kojima. The creator of the Metal Gear Solid franchise is credited with inventing the stealth genre and redefining the concept of cinematic videogames. Four years after his public falling out with Konami, Kojima has finally released a new game that he […] More

  • pokemonsappirelogo

    Retro Game Review: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire

    **  I have only completed the game’s first two areas as of writing this review and am playing on the Sapphire version.  ** Even if, like me, you weren’t a fan of anime or trading card games growing up, it’s impossible to go through your childhood without hearing about Pokémon. The popular Japanese role-playing game […] More

  • Takayuki Yagami from Judgement holds a bullet

    Weighing in on Sega’s Judgment

    It’s easy to look at the Yakuza series and dismiss it as a Japanese rip-off of GTA (I made the same mistake years ago). With the Western localization of Yakuza 0 back in 2017, the series has gathered an impressive fan base and is now being recognized for what it is: an action brawler with an engaging story, lovable […] More