Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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in EpisodesBrooklyn Nine-Nine S8E8: “Renewal”
After a dismal first episode of the night, S8E8 “Renewal” finds Brooklyn Nine-Nine back in form, with a fast-paced episode both humorous and heartfelt, while also functioning as a season finale of sorts before the series finale in two weeks. “Renewal” plays out in the same manner as many of Nine-Nine’s best episodes: a fast-paced […] More
in EpisodesBrooklyn Nine-Nine S8E7: “Game of Boyles”
Brooklyn Nine-Nine S8E7, “Game of Boyles,” confuses me. For starters, there’s that title, clearly meant to be a reference to Game of Thrones. No part of this episode is a reference to Game of Thrones, nor is the episode framed in the style of that show or even as a parody of it. On top […] More
in EpisodesBrooklyn Nine-Nine S8E6: “The Set Up”
While the first episode of the night, “PB&J”, felt like the weakest showing of Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s final season, S8E6 “The Set Up” finds the show roaring back in full force with one of its strongest episodes yet—and, as we’ll see, one of the most uncomfortably real ones from the show’s entire run. Jake Peralta has […] More
in EpisodesBrooklyn Nine-Nine S8E5: “PB&J”
Of the many odd-couple friendships in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, none have been as bizarre—or as loved—as the fan-favorite pairing of Jake and Doug Judy (better known as the Pontiac Bandit), Jake’s one-time archnemesis turned frenemy. This week’s first episode, “PB&J”, serves as the Pontiac Bandit’s last ride on Nine-Nine, with Jake (and later Boyle) driving Doug […] More
in Episodes
Brooklyn Nine-Nine S8E4: “Balancing”
It’s definitely feeling like the middle of a season. Just like Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s first episode of the night “Blue Flu”, “Balancing” finds itself in a comfortable middle ground between the funny and the real. But instead of a singular, central conflict driving its plot forward, S8E4 instead places its focus on the relationships between its […] More
in Episodes
Brooklyn Nine-Nine S8E3: “Blue Flu”
After last week’s heavily contrasting serious episode/fun episode pairing, this week Brooklyn Nine-Nine finds itself settling into a comfortable middle ground between the serious and the funny. This week’s pair of episodes doesn’t dive into anything too heavy, but the first episode of the night, “Blue Flu”, does give us a further glimpse at the […] More
in EpisodesBrooklyn Nine-Nine S8E2: “The Lake House”
If the premiere of Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s final season showed us that the show was willing to step right into the messy, changing world that it had suddenly found itself coming back into, “The Lake House” is something of an exercise in escapism. S8E2 takes our beloved detectives outside of the precinct and away from the […] More
in Episodes
Brooklyn Nine-Nine S8E1: “The Good Ones” (Season 8 Premiere)
We can’t talk about the Season 8 premiere of Brooklyn Nine-Nine without first talking about everything else. Brooklyn Nine-Nine has never shied away from diving headfirst into heavy stuff in the past. Two of the show’s best episodes are centered around things that most other workplace comedies wouldn’t even think of even trying to approach: […] More
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in Doctor Who, FavoritesQueer TV Characters That Impacted Me as a Baby Gay
In 2015, when I was 16 years old, I came out as bisexual. It was a daunting time, as it is for any (especially young) LGBTQ+ person; it’s confusing, lonely, and really quite frightening. While I was still figuring things out, no one else I knew was out as queer. There was no one to […] More
in Larks & RecsMythic Quest, Mike Crain EP, and More!
Welcome to What’s the Buzz, where members of our staff provide you with recommendations on a weekly basis. This week, Jan Kalina is watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, Caemeron Crain is checking out “Wait, what?” from Mike Crain’s forthcoming EP, and Hawk Ripjaw got teared up over the finale of The Good […] More
Rosa Diaz, Pride, and Me
I have always had an ambivalent relationship with Pride. For me, Pride is not about “rainbow-washing” our streets, with companies slapping an LGBT+ flag on their products and calling it a day. Even as an out-and-proud lesbian, I’ve struggled when attending Pride parades as it is easy to feel lost within a crowd. For me, […] More
Favorites: Best On-Screen Dads
Favorites takes a lighter approach to the material we normally cover. Each week, we will take you through a list of favorites – whether it’s moments, scenes, episodes, characters, lines of dialogue, whatever! – in bite-sized articles perfect for your lunch break, a dull commute, or anywhere you need to take a Moment of Zen. […] More