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  • Cobra Kai season 2 - Back in black

    Cobra Kai Strikes Back

    Confession time. I’m not much of a fan of “binge watching”, but by golly I binged Cobra Kai season 2 in the first 24 hours after it was released. Now, granted, it’s only about five hours long, and all the Cobra Kai mania in my Facebook feed made it a moral imperative, lest I get […] More

  • Cobra Kai junkyard scene

    Cobra Kai and the Coddling of the American Mind

    Introduction Let me start by telling you everything you already have heard about Cobra Kai. It’s “more entertaining than you’re probably expecting” (Hollywood Reporter), “surprisingly satisfying” (The Skinny) and “shouldn’t be this good” (Gamespot). It’s a “crane kick of nostalgia right to the throat” (NPR), and yet “does more than just wax nostalgic” (TVLine). It […] More

  • Camille played by Amy Adams in Sharp Objects
    in ,

    The TV Awards 2018

    It has been a fantastic year of television so we are going to have to make some tough decisions this award season! On the panel we have: Laura Stewart, Matt Armitage, JC Hotchkiss, Martin Hearn, Brien Sponaugle, Paul Billington and Caemeron Crain. So let’s see what their choices are… Favorite New Show of 2018 JC: […] More