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  • Dear Onda Wahl Album Cover

    Lizzie & The Makers: Dear Onda Wahl Is a Love Letter to Music

    The Bluesy riff is familiar, Lizzie & The Makers tell us. Yes, but on this second album, Dear Onda Wahl, it’s done with stunning style. Band from NYC. Release number three. Just happens to be… Brilliant. Cor! That slide is rough as a badger’ behind, a little piano under it and ghostly organ leading us […] More

  • Annie celebrates winning the Miss Twin Peaks pageant on stage, in front of a microphone, her hand raised with help from Milford

    Twin Peaks Episode 28: A Final Sentiment

    Welcome, dear reader, as we continue our Original Series Rewatch of Twin Peaks with a review and analysis of Episode 28, aka S2E21, aka “The Night of Decision” (German title), aka “Miss Twin Peaks” (US fan title). Once again, this episode sees Twin Peaks return from a long hiatus, this time an excruciating seven-and-a-half weeks […] More

  • Two flashlights focus on the map in the Owl Cave

    Puzzles and Games Abound in Twin Peaks Episode 26

    Bishop takes pawn. It’s a seemingly simple move. And it’s the one that Windom Earle makes over the course of Twin Peaks Episode 26, “Variations on Relations.” The episode opens at Owl Cave, with Cooper examining what viewers will come to know as the map to the Black Lodge. It’s then that we switch to […] More

  • Cooper gives Harry a big hug, a destroyed Bookhouse in the background

    Twin Peaks Episode 24: The World Could Break Apart with Sadness

    Welcome, dear reader, as we continue our original series rewatch of Twin Peaks with a review and analysis of Episode 24, aka S2E17, aka “Wounds and Scars.” This episode marked the return of Twin Peaks after a six-week hiatus. Realistically, at this point, there should have been no one left but us diehards. Ratings on […] More

  • Ben Horne is confident and happy about his civil war figurines battle, and a fireplaces crackles behind him.

    Twin Peaks Episode 21 is Stuck In Dreams and Nightmares

    For varying reasons, Episodes 17 through at least 23 have a reputation so poor that many fans skip them outright when rewatching the series, Twin Peaks Episode 21 is no different. The existential tone of dread seems nearly absent, and Twin Peaks becomes a fun, melodramatic farce as a result. The high melodrama and silliness […] More

  • A hand studded with scars points to a move on a chessboard

    Twin Peaks Episode 20: Who Brought The Nightmare To Twin Peaks?

    Episode 20, “Checkmate”, is certainly some of the best of the worst of Twin Peaks. Whenever I have to convince people to watch Twin Peaks and they protest by citing the dip in quality of the second season, I make a point of insisting that while the James-Evelyn plotline is a chore, some of the best moments […] More

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