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  • Oliver gestures with a martini before beginning the rap battle

    Legion S3E6 is about Syd’s Inner Light

    “The Inner Light” is widely regarded as one of the best episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation (and rightly so). In it, we see Picard—under the influence of an alien probe—live out what amounts to a whole other life, and then have to leave it in order to continue his mission. In terms of […] More

  • Multiple versions of David say "I am Legion"

    Daddy Issues Are All Over the Place in Legion S3E5

    Sigmund Freud’s notion of the Oedipus complex is well known, but perhaps not well understood. Pulling on the ancient Greek story of Oedipus, wherein our titular hero ends up killing his father and marrying his mother (without knowing that is what he is doing), Freud posited a structure along these lines in terms of the […] More

  • David has many arms like a Hindu god

    The Time is Out of Joint in Legion S3E4

    Legion has always been a visually stunning show, and one that is experimental in its form. Back in Season 1, for example, we got the scene presented in the style of a silent film, which remains in my mind one of the most brilliant things that has ever been on television. But this has also […] More

  • Farouk holds a baby David on Legion

    It’s a Family Affair in Legion S3E3

    There are a lot of things we might debate when it comes to Legion, but one thing no one can deny is the audacity of its narrative structure. I was surprised that after the last episode ended with Cary setting to work to do something in order to enhance Switch’s powers, Episode 3 proceeds immediately […] More

  • Lenny looks like the Mad Hatter in Legion

    Sympathy for the David? (On Legion S3E2)

    Have you ever wanted to go back in time? To do things over? Do you ever lie awake at night recounting all the moments of shame in your life? Or is that just me? There is a difference between shame and regret. Perhaps it is a fine-grained distinction, but the latter applies more to what […] More

  • Multiple versions of David Haller in Legion

    Does Legion Know What It is Doing?

    From the beginning, Legion has centered around David Haller as a protagonist. We open with a vignette of his life, leading up to his suicide attempt and institutionalization, and continue to follow him throughout as the story unfolds. There are other characters, sure, and many if not most of them are well fleshed out, interesting […] More

  • Camille played by Amy Adams in Sharp Objects
    in ,

    The TV Awards 2018

    It has been a fantastic year of television so we are going to have to make some tough decisions this award season! On the panel we have: Laura Stewart, Matt Armitage, JC Hotchkiss, Martin Hearn, Brien Sponaugle, Paul Billington and Caemeron Crain. So let’s see what their choices are… Favorite New Show of 2018 JC: […] More