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in Videogames
Garden Story First Impressions: A Fruitful, Adorable Adventure
When I say I’ve been waiting years for this game–I mean it. The first time I saw Garden Story was late 2019 when developer Picogram announced they’d be partnering with Rose City Games, who would publish the title. I’m a massive fan of these types of games that combine the action-adventure of Legend of Zelda with the foraging […] More
in Videogames
Get Crafty in These Great Farming Simulator Games
I love farming simulator games, especially ones where you have your own town or camp. Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, and of course, Animal Crossing are some of my favourites; I have hundreds of hours in each. The grind of gathering materials, exploring and crafting items, and building up your home is somewhat meditative to me […] More
in Videogames
Wholesome Games Direct Highlights
The Wholesome Games community was created in response to the cancellation of gaming events due to the pandemic. Focusing on games with more light-hearted themes in comparison to triple-A titles, the Wholesome Games team has showcased many incredible games and developers since its inception. To coincide with other big gaming events like the Summer Game […] More
in VideogamesThe GameCube 20 Years Later
The GameCube was Nintendo’s sixth-generation console. In contrast to the standard size CD-ROMs used by the Sony PlayStation 2 and Microsoft’s first foray into the market, the original Xbox, the GameCube used mini-discs. The entire console was quite small and even had a handle on the back for portability. It was not as simple as […] More
Nintendo GameCube Favourites
The GameCube came out at a perfect time in my life—I was 11 years old and for the first time, I started paying attention to things like graphics and gameplay. It felt like I had moved on from “I just play whatever my parents get me” to actually choosing my own games to rent and […] More
Nintendo’s Greatest Mistake
How times have changed. Where games are available at any given time to download today, no such quality existed in the mid 90s. 12-13 year old me hung around an abandoned firehouse turned community center for children. We played game consoles on the first floor. Sitting at each corner was a different console from NES-N64. […] More
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in VideogamesWhy the Launch of the Nintendo 64 Still Matters 25 Years On
The Nintendo 64 and its contemporary rivals are commonly regarded as dated, primitive efforts in 3D gaming–something to be acknowledged but not really enjoyed. I must admit, as someone who was the perfect age to experience the leap from the 16-bit Super Nintendo to the 64-bit Nintendo 64, I find that opinion somewhat exasperating. Many […] More
New Pokémon Snap: Point, Click, Share!
It’s been 22 years since the original Pokémon Snap released on the Nintendo 64. Fans (myself included!) have been asking for a sequel for just as long. New Pokémon Snap is now out for Nintendo Switch, and after a few hours with it, I have some thoughts. The basic mechanics from the original are the […] More
in VideogamesThe Original Game Boy Pioneered Handheld Gaming
Considering the popularity of the Nintendo Switch, it’s easy to forget that there was a time where handheld games were considered a novelty. Like so many things from the early days of gaming, the Game Boy was an unorthodox, but extremely ambitious, experiment that paid off pretty wonderfully. Today I’d like to discuss the Game […] More
in VideogamesMonster Hunter Rise Is a Welcome Victory Lap From Capcom
Considering the fact that Monster Hunter World was Capcom’s highest selling video game ever, I think it’s safe to say that the once obscure franchise has become a legitimate phenomenon. It’s not difficult to see why, either. The series’ emphasis on combat, the outstanding creature design, and its whimsical sense of fun and humor make […] More
in VideogamesThe Best Game Boy Themed Indies on Switch
There’s certainly no shortage of retro inspired indies on the Nintendo Switch. Everything from the NES to the original Playstation has had its fair share of indie homages—all designed to give a modern, fresh take on a classic formula. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly however, there seems to be a noticeable lack of titles which ape the […] More
in VideogamesThe Crew Talks About Their Favorite Game Endings
Making a good ending to any story is difficult, and it’s arguably even harder for video games, which have to balance gameplay and storytelling. It’s a challenge unique to the medium, which makes the really great endings stand out even more. Join the crew as they discuss their favorite video game endings in this week’s […] More