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Married…With Children Remains a Breath of Fresh Stale Air
It was with some trepidation that I returned to Married…With Children. It’s a show that I watched quite a bit when I was a kid, in the early 1990s, when I was arguably too young for it. Married…With Children felt like a door into being older than I was in a way I wanted, kind […] More
The Golden Girls: Picture It — Miami, Valentine’s Day…
Syndicated TV shows come and go, but The Golden Girls remain. I don’t think a show like this could ever be made again…certainly not by the same name. The Girls were in their 60s, and these days, no one in their 60s wants to be thought of as “golden”…at least, no one I know. I […] More
in On the SceneThe Everything Mop Scene from Modern Family Is the Perfect Gift
Modern Family is a mockumentary style sitcom about one extended family living in suburban California. It is the ultimate kind of comfort television, adored for its silliness and unrelenting optimism. I started watching the show when it was in its seventh season (admittedly just so that I’d have something to talk about with a guy […] More
in Episodes
Brooklyn Nine-Nine S8E3: “Blue Flu”
After last week’s heavily contrasting serious episode/fun episode pairing, this week Brooklyn Nine-Nine finds itself settling into a comfortable middle ground between the serious and the funny. This week’s pair of episodes doesn’t dive into anything too heavy, but the first episode of the night, “Blue Flu”, does give us a further glimpse at the […] More
in Episodes
Brooklyn Nine-Nine S8E1: “The Good Ones” (Season 8 Premiere)
We can’t talk about the Season 8 premiere of Brooklyn Nine-Nine without first talking about everything else. Brooklyn Nine-Nine has never shied away from diving headfirst into heavy stuff in the past. Two of the show’s best episodes are centered around things that most other workplace comedies wouldn’t even think of even trying to approach: […] More
in PotpourriWandaVision Premieres: A Special Marvel Roundtable
What in the world is WandaVision about? Rachel Stewart and Will Johnson sit down for a special two-part roundtable discussion on the new Marvel/Disney+ series. Here they discuss the show’s premiere, consisting of Episode 1 and Episode 2. Rachel Stewart: So it’s been a minute since we had a major Marvel moment. Avengers: Endgame was […] More
in FavoritesFar Out Favorites In ’60s TV
Ah, the 1960s. I wish I could see what the decade was like in person, but alas, no DeLoreans are available just yet. I love hearing stories from my relatives about what life was like “back in the day.” They each offer differing perspectives, noting the good and the bad. Sometimes I wonder what it […] More
in EpisodesTrick Or Treat With Bewitched’s “Twitch Or Treat”
It’s practically Halloween every day on Bewitched, given Samantha’s (Elizabeth Montgomery) and Darrin’s (Dick York) everyday lives. However, the Halloween vibes are laid on with an extra kick in the Season 3 episode, “Twitch or Treat.” Endora wishes to host a Halloween party, but finds herself hosting it at Sam’s and Darrin’s when Darrin demands […] More
in Favorites
The ’90s Proved that Britain Knows How to do Comedy
I’m somebody who tends to fall in love with a television show and watch it over and over again for the entirety of my life. It’s so easy to do this with sitcoms because they’re fun and lighthearted and can be played in the background of whatever you’re doing. While I love American comedies like […] More
in FavoritesBest Friends Forever: Favorite TV Besties
Best friends are, well, the best. They’re there through thick and thin, they aren’t afraid to tell you the truth, and they’re your cheerleaders, among other things. There are so many friends on TV to love and consider as #friendshipgoals. There are a lot of best friends on TV that I love, albeit for different […] More
in Cancelled Too SoonBroke’s Abrupt Ending Leaves Audiences Brokenhearted
Earlier this year, I eagerly anticipated the premiere of a new CBS sitcom, Broke. I was a Pauley Perrette fan, having enjoyed her character, Abby Sciuto, on NCIS over the years, and I looked forward to watching her play an entirely new character in a different television genre. I loved Broke upon watching its premiere; I surprised myself […] More
in Favorites
Flashback To The ’80s: Favorites In TV
I love the 1980s. I wasn’t there to experience the decade myself, as I wasn’t born yet, so I rely on 1980s pop culture to give me an idea of what things were like back in the day. TV is a big part of that. If I had a DeLorean with a working flux capacitor […] More