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  • In the Double R Diner, Norma reaches over the counter and lovingly touches Ed's face. Ed has a bandage on his head and looks concerned.

    Make Yourself at Home in TV’s Greatest Fictional Towns

    It’s hard to define what makes a great fictional town. Is it somewhere you wish you could live? Somewhere that’s simply well-suited to the story being told? A distinctive setting with its own unique character? When choosing towns for this article, I went with some combination of all of the above. If I thought of […] More

  • Sycamores surround a pool of black goo in Twin Peaks

    Black Goo: The Stuff of Dreams

    There is an entity that appears in our favorite science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories—a living substance that elicits both disgust and excitement in the human imagination. It’s related to the bad black barf and black blood TV tropes, but while those examples are relatively inert and formless, ‘black goo’ refers to a class of […] More

  • Watchmen - Angela, as Hooded Justice, crashes through a store front window

    The TV Awards 2019: Our Favorites, Disappointments, and More!

    There was a lot of great TV in 2019! Here’s what we loved, who we loved, what we were disappointed about and what we’re looking forward to next year! Andrew Grevas, Editor-in-Chief Favorite New Show of 2019: I’m sure this will be a popular pick but it has to be Watchmen for me. Culturally, this series […] More

  • The Stranger Things logo appears on a dark background with a large number 4 behind it

    Should Stranger Things Quit Whilst it’s Ahead?

    I was surprised when I found out there was to be a fourth season of Stranger Things as the third not only completed the trilogy but the narrative came to a very natural, definitive conclusion as well. The last part of the Mind Flayer was eradicated and the gate remained closed to the Upside Down, […] More

  • Steve (Joe Keery) and Robin (Maya Hawke) watch a film at the Starcourt Mall.

    Steve And Robin Are My Stranger Things Dream Team

    This isn’t a think piece. Instead, it’s a salute, a tribute, and a simple dose of unabashed affection for my favorite people in the town of Hawkins—Steve Harrington and Robin. Look, I know you’re inundated with stories extolling the virtues of Eleven and the crew, or scolding (or consoling) for the lost soul Billy. All […] More

  • The young cast of Stranger Things in Starcourt Mall

    Stranger Things are Afoot at Starcourt Mall

    In less than two weeks we’re all going to see if our Stranger Things Season 3 theories are correct. I have had a few thoughts on Hawkins newest business venture, Starcourt Mall, in the last few months. There is every possibility the Starcourt Mall is just an allusion to the breakdown of small town life […] More

  • Hopper on the cover of Stranger Things Darkness on the Edge of Town

    Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town

    Well, everybody’s got a secret, Sonny Something that they just can’t face Some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep it They carry it with them every step that they take Till some day they just cut it loose Cut it loose or let it drag ’em down Where no one asks any questions […] More

  • Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds

    Stranger Things Goes Multimedia

    The art of the tie-in novel is a tricky bit of magic to perform well. Mostly they come across as little more than authorized fanfic, especially in the case of episodic television like The X-Files or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. On rare occasion though, the tie-in novel appears while the series is airing and actually […] More

  • Vintage old books on wooden deck table background.

    Stranger Things Book, Diane, Division 2 and More!

    Welcome to What’s the Buzz, where members of our staff provide you with recommendations on a weekly basis. This week’s entries come from: Brien Allen, Carol Seeds, Martin Hearn, and John Bernardy. Brien: So we’re all excited for season 3 of Stranger Things, right? We know the titles, the date, the cast, and a bit […] More

  • Happy (Patton Oswalt) cajoles Nick Sax (Christopher Meloni) in Syfy's Happy!

    Happy!, You, Vox Lux, and More!

    Welcome to What’s the Buzz, where members of our staff will be providing you with recommendations on a weekly basis. This week’s entries come from: Caemeron Crain, Ali Sciarabba, Rachel Stewart, Bryan O’Donnell, and Lindsay Stamhius. Caemeron: I recently discovered Syfy’s Happy! (based on the Grant Morrison comic) on Netflix. The show has a weird […] More

  • Steve and who is this? Stranger Things Season 3

    Stranger Things: Season 3 Guess Work

    Looks like we’ve recently gotten a new teaser trailer for Stranger Things Season 3, if you’re a fan of the show you’re probably similar to me in the fact that you’re way too hyped about only half a minute of new information. That’s cool though, because it still gives us cause to nerd out and […] More

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