
Upstaging the Octopus – The OA, Part 2 (or Season 2)

The OA Season 2 titles

Eight episodes are not enough. Nowhere near. And I cannot be the only one who is horrified at that thought of waiting another two years for the next installment (a guess based on how long it took for this new season to appear)!

Part 2 of the series The OA is a different beast to Part 1. As I briefly mentioned in the overview/discussion of the first episode, it is much more expansive than its predecessor. It develops ideas previously hinted at, explodes others and twists expectations yet further, almost using the first eight episodes as an origin story, before it begins to tell the tale it always wanted to show us. 

Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij have brought about a production that will no doubt bewilder many, but will outright thrill others with its intelligence, style, adherence to an internal logic and narrative flow that is no longer a trickle, but a river—taking us faster towards its destination (now minus an octopus by the name of Old Night). 

So with Anthony ‘Anff’ Divers, Martin Hearn, Laura Stewart and Caemeron Crain joining me, let’s take an in-depth look at what this season delivered…

Paul: I wanted to ask everyone something right off the bat. I wrote about the first season (or Part 1) being something you feel as much as something you think about it (and there is plenty to think about as we will discuss).

How did you feel during/by the end of Part 2?

Anff: I think Part 2 has had the same kind of effect on me. It leaves you feeling like you’ve been shown something new, like a new idea or a new invention or something. The revelations we had later on in the season, and particularly the final episode, left me feeling awestruck. I do find it different to Part 1 though. When Part 1 ended I felt a sadness. When Part 2 ended I wasn’t sad, I was more intrigued as to what other possibilities could lie ahead.

Caemeron: Yeah, I would tend to agree with that. The ending of Part 2 left me more curious than anything about how it was all going to hang together. I’d also agree, though, about the show being something that you feel. Particularly with something like the movements. From a rational point of view, I find them to be quite silly, but when you have something like Steve desperately trying to use them to save Jesse, it connects in a really emotional way if you let it. I did also enjoy learning that you can have robots do the movements, though.

Martin: I was feeling all kinds of emotions by the end: sad and frustrated again that it was over and we had to wait, intrigued at what might come next, and happy at thinking how much there was to think about and analyse. There’s a lot of rewatch potential with this show, especially Season 2, so I know I won’t have to sit around waiting as I can watch again and try to piece together the puzzle.

I remember that during watching all I could think about was how much I didn’t want it to end. The more I watched the less there was going to be left to watch, but at the same time, I couldn’t turn it off and take a break. I had to see it all.

Paul: I was left curious and a little gutted knowing the time it takes for Brit and Zal to put these together! I found Part 2 emotionally involving but also there was a lot more in terms of narrative drive and plot developments than the first season—it had a pace that really built on Part 1 and escalated it.

Speaking of that, there were a lot of answers to be found all the way through the episodes—from the books found under Prairie’s bed to the confirmation that we are dealing with alternate dimensions. And lots of questions! I found the relationships throughout fascinating—especially Hap and Prairie again. This idea of them being intertwined in some way—like the idea of quantum entanglement, separated but connected in a way we are only now discovering.

Caemeron: Alternate dimensions certainly seem to be confirmed. It also seems to be confirmed, from what we are shown, that Prairie’s story in Season 1 was true. However, the information Jesse presents calls that into question. It would seem he stopped believing.

I think the show also interestingly plays on what feels true. For example, the things the trees and the octopus (Azrael/Old Night) say feel true to me, but perhaps that is something of a mistake. Maybe it’s just the truth from their perspective, I mean. I don’t think they are lying. That’s something I have been thinking about a lot: that the show may not employ an unreliable narrator, but rather a kind of perspectival narration.

One of the big things I wondered from the beginning of the season was where the other versions of the people go. The hook there was Homer, which I think was very smart, but I wondered what happened to Nina and Dr. Hunter Aloysius Percy, etc. as well. I think that paid off, with the stuff about the suppression/integration of consciousnesses, but I still have some questions in this area. Does one have to die in order to travel, for example? What happened with Elodie? How was she still around to talk to OA after the scene with Hap? Did the paramedics arrive and resuscitate her? And if so, did she leave the dimension or not?

But, Paul, you mentioned Hap and Prairie’s relationship; how do you all think about that? Do any of you think he is the ‘brother’ Old Night mentions? (I don’t.)

Anff: I don’t think he’s her brother, but I think I would like him to be. I think it’s more like they’re both sides of the same coin. One can’t exist without the other kind of thing. I see Hap as the Joker to OA’s Batman. That’s why I love their dynamic so much. I hate him and I wish he’d let OA and Homer be together but I also kind of love him and want him to succeed with his experiments.

Caemeron: I love their dynamic, too. They’ve set themselves up for something risky in the third season if she isn’t going to know who she is. But all of the characters are so strong I have faith it will work out.

I’m not sure I think she and Hap are metaphysically linked…unless perhaps he is the reason she is the OA? That’s another thing I have been thinking about: why is it Prairie who is the OA, but not Nina, e.g.? it seems clear that it is this one version of her that is the OA from what Old Night says. Any other thoughts about that?

Paul: That’s a good point. Prairie as the OA but not Nina. So the Near Death Experience that Prairie had made her ‘the OA’ somehow from her interaction with Khatun, which Nina seems not to have had in dimension 2…? And this is before Hap is introduced/she meets him. And didn’t Khatun say that the OA would face great evil—is that Hap? Or has he a part to play in facing that evil too, in some way? That they both need each other—his scientific (albeit morally questionable) approach and hers based on faith, a ‘knowing’, something metaphysical or spiritual?

Hap suggests that he ‘loves’ the OA. Are they to be joined in some way? Is the OA on a journey to discover that she needs him just as much?

Caemeron: Fair enough, I think it could be that interaction with Khatun, but I guess I also wonder if the way that through Hap she died over and over again perhaps played a role. Maybe Homer and the others are also angels because of it; the chair as an angel-making machine, as it were.

And you raise a good point/question, Paul: what is this show about? I don’t think we know yet. That is, what is the OA’s ‘mission’ if we presume that she does indeed have one? What is her metaphysical purpose, such that Azrael (noting here that this is the name of an archangel known as the ‘angel of death’) and the trees take such an interest in her? One might think the show is about her trying to get away from Hap and unite with Homer, but there are these indications that the ultimate story will be so much more than that.

Martin: Just going back to the earlier point Caemeron made about Hap potentially being her brother:

Hap is definitely on the list of possibilities for being her brother in my eyes. While he is portrayed as the bad guy he has in a way protected Prairie/Nina.

He confined her to the glass prison in Season 1, which acted as a place of safety as it was being released from there that ultimately lead to Prairie’s death. Again, in the new dimension, Hap has Nina in a protective place and once she’s released it does lead to another catastrophe. Is he unknowingly protecting her by imprisoning her? I’m not saying he definitely is her brother but he’s on my list of potential siblings

Caemeron: At first I was thinking her ‘brother’ was Karim, but that may have just been from the juxtaposition of Old Night saying this thing and then Karim resuscitating her…Then I had the thought that perhaps it was Elias, based on his scene. But the problem with both suggestions is the bit about him protecting her in every dimension. So now I am thinking it is Steve.

Paul: Steve is my first thought. Then I considered Elias—the effect in the mirror when he talked to BBA, Alfonso etc—was that a sign or confirmation of something—if he has been sent to help the OA, who has he been sent by? Rachel? It’s the only other time we have seen that effect?

Karim is interesting as he’s no one comparable in Part 1—aside from Elias perhaps? I wondered about his interaction with Old Night—did the OA need rescuing? Would she have come back after 37 seconds as promised? Did Elias interrupt something?

Caemeron: Yes, I wondered that as well. The way it played out is what led me to think of Karim as the mentioned “brother” because OA asks Old Night if she will live, he says it depends on her brother, and then we get Karim stepping in to resuscitate her (and kill Old Night). Would she have died otherwise? Was Old Night going to bring her back? I don’t think that is clear. It is 37 seconds to confront the other version of herself…Or maybe she didn’t need anyone to bring her back to life given all of her previous experience with death.

The OA communicates with Old Night in Season 2 of The OA on Netflix

The way I am thinking about it now is that the question is not whether she will live after he kills her for 37 seconds, but whether she will live overall, at which point I actually start wondering what it means to ‘live’ given how many times she has died, and how it seems like to die is at worst for her an opportunity to travel. Although now I am realizing that the Brit version doesn’t know that. She doesn’t know she is the OA, so I guess her life is in real peril at the end of the season. I just thought through all of that explicitly for the first time, but I guess it bolsters my feeling that the ‘brother’ is Steve, don’t you think?

As to who sent the ‘brother’ I guess I tend to think it is a bad question, but what you say about Rachel is interesting. I’d definitely be up for hearing other ideas, there. I just kind of feel like we’re not going to get an answer there/the answer is going to implicitly be something like God.

Paul: I was thinking on what Martin has said about Hap ‘protecting’ OA in some fashion, and what you, Caemeron, said about Hap killing her so many times—did she become the OA through his methods? Martin, what do you think about that?

And Anff, I totally get what you mean about Homer and OA being together. I wonder where he fits into all of this?

Anff: I honestly feel like Homer is just as important, if not more important, than OA. I don’t even know why I feel so strongly about that but I do. It feels like if they were allowed to be together something major would happen, and that’s why the universe is keeping them apart. I think it goes back to that scene with OA telling her story and when she ends it on the word ‘Homer’ she runs out crying. That hit me pretty hard.

Martin: See when it comes to Homer, there is a part of me that thinks he could potentially be her brother and that is why they’ve never been allowed to touch each other. They fell in love when they shouldn’t have so they’re being kept apart by various methods.

I think Hap killing her only made her powers stronger. I agree with what was said earlier about her becoming the OA during her first NDE after the crash, that is what turned her. I think because Nina didn’t suffer the crash that is why her power was that of a medium. It seems to me like each version of Nina in each dimension will have a different power of some sort which they have because they survived or went through things differently to the original Nina.

Laura: I feel like its something embedded in them, that no matter what life they lead they have the instinct built in. Which of their lives is the original one? Have they forgotten their purpose many times before?

I am interested in the word syzygy—while it gave the answer to the clue to the 3 Wise, Man, it also means an alignment of three celestial objects, as the sun, the earth, and either the moon or a planet. Or in biology, it means the pairing of chromosomes during meiosis—which makes me wonder if Homer and OA were to really get together would something astronomically good or bad happen should they procreate? Does Hap not even really know it, but that’s what he’s trying to stop? The Lewis Carroll phrase on the door too, he wrote syzygys—puzzles formed from words. Syzygy was also a term used by Carl Jung to mean a union of opposites. The most interesting to me is the Syzygy, female-male pairings of the emanations known as Aeon in Gnosticism. Aeon’s are pretty much angels, syzygys are a pair of angels that together form a state of wholeness.

Martin: You wondering if something might happen if Homer and OA procreate could tie in with my thoughts about them being brother and sister and kept apart in each dimension to stop that happening. Something terrible could happen if they continue on their journey to be together somewhere when they really shouldn’t do it.

Caemeron: I’ve noticed that I seem to be taking the brother talk more figuratively and Martin seems to be taking it more literally. What about the rest of you?

Anff: I assumed it was a literal brother too. It didn’t occur to me it could be anything different. Interesting.

Martin: I think when we learn more of her brother we may begin to learn more about Nina’s mother as all we know so far is she died during childbirth. She could very well have died giving birth to two babies with the second being sent away somewhere.

Caemeron: That’s interesting. I kind of didn’t for a second think it could be some lost twin or something. I jumped right to a thought about a spiritual ‘brother’…

Paul: I’m really intrigued by this. And Martin you mentioned Nina being a medium etc—it’s like each reality or dimension being somewhat similar or joined. I wonder what effects each has on the other. Did Elodie say anything about that? (Plus, there’s Rachel finding her way after she died from dimension 2 back to dimension 1 once she found out about the Crestwood 5.)

Anff: I can’t remember a word Elodie said. Just that she was pretty and had Kinder egg robots. I’d love to know why the octopus sent her to that plane.

Laura: Rachel is so fascinating. All the time in Part 1 (S1) we wondered why her plants were dead and she couldn’t learn a movement, now we know its because she was dead. Still not sure about the braille of her name though.

Paul: Is that why Rachel’s plants were dead and she didn’t receive a movement?! Didn’t think of that…

Laura: So when she [OA] died and arrived in the plane bathroom, she was about to confront herself as Brit—you think confronting yourself would have obliterated her soul? Much like if Homer had acknowledged himself climbing in the ceiling?

Paul: I think The Guardian newspaper said that the show jumped the shark with the octopus but I fucking loved it. The bravery and the natural way it ‘fit’ somehow. Genius.

Was that why she went on the plane? I forget that there was a purpose. I need to rewatch that bit.

Caemeron: Yeah, something like, “In the future, you will forget who you are…” Let’s check the tape.

Laura: That whole episode felt so much like a video game, and it was in a sense, the house being a game. All the secret doors and passageways, like a real-life Tomb Raider or Resident Evil or something.

Paul: The video game element—I totally felt that too Laura. It ties in with the augmented reality of Q Symphony.

Karim investigates the house that Q Symphony leads to in Season 2 of The OA on Netflix

Caemeron: Elodie said that she never suppresses the consciousness of the one she jumps into, but integrates with it. This has me thinking that she traveled, but then the version of her in that world was resuscitated by the paramedics she called and remembers everything. Does this put us on the track of some notion of trans-dimensional personal identity?


“In the future…you don’t know who you are. You forget your true nature. I want to send you there. To the moment…you can show yourself your true face. Your pure being. And reawaken to your mission. To do this I must kill you for 37 seconds”

She actually didn’t get the full 37 seconds, she gets 34 and by that point, Karim has killed the octopus.

Laura: So basically we need Karim not to stop the octopus, and let the OA see herself on the plane as Brit, so that Brit can remember. That has Part 3 written all over it…

Paul: So it’s possible she achieved the mission so to speak?

Caemeron: The wrinkle is that when it cuts off, Brit has turned to face her. Could there be just a little bit more that we don’t see? How do we take the cut in the editing? I feel like there are all of these ambiguities as to whether things go ‘as planned.’ Here, but also elsewhere. Rachel’s message about BBA—they thought this was about her traveling to the other dimension; was it instead about her sensitivity to it once they got to the hospital? Steve wanted to go, and here we see he has gone—not there, but to the new place where we end up. Whatever is happening with OA and Karim towards the end there…what was ‘supposed’ to happen and did it? And, as previously mentioned, if OA and Homer got together, would it be a triumph or a disaster somehow? I love all of these ambiguities.

Video games, dreams, alternate realities…in some sense these are all the same, no?

Paul: My gut/intuition says yes. Which is kind of the show as a whole, in many ways?

Laura: So Karim was the man to make it to the rose window. Ruskin (loved him btw!) told him he’d feel like the astronauts who landed on the moon and realised that it was the Earth that they should have been looking out for all along, a place full of life, the fact that was even possible in amongst a billion other stars that could not (or something along those lines). He saw into an alternative reality, saw OA as an angel, then of all things it was a dove that knocked her ascent I think?

Caemeron: I guess it was the bird? I really wasn’t sure how to read that…

If everyone was seeing his face, he’s got to have an importance we’re not done with, don’t you think?

Laura: Definitely, what will he do with this knowledge? It has to be more than just to bring Michelle back. I guess he will be looking for the OA now; I hope he teams up with Ruskin to hatch a plan.  If Michelle remembers he’s Buck, then he can teach the movements too. Weirdly, Buck seemed to be Buck in our dimension do you think? Maybe they just look the same. Steve had the will to join the OA wherever she ended up. He really likes chasing ambulances!

Caemeron: That gets me thinking about alignment between the different dimensions, though. We’ve now seen him chase down an ambulance in two! How do we take this?

Martin: Dr Marlowe Rhodes says,

“If something from the waking world enters a dream, it’s natural. If something from a dream enters the waking world…that is unnatural”.

Karim is the thing from a dream that’s entered the natural world, we know he’s from a dream as they all saw him in one. I think he perhaps messed things up at the end of the season by calling to Michelle/Buck and waking her up. He wasn’t meant to do it; he thinks he’s helping because he’s a Private Detective, but in actual fact he’s having a negative impact because his existence is unnatural.

With what you said earlier about BBA travelling to the other dimension, I definitely think that’s what she had to do.

Hap didn’t have her body in the pool, she was the only one missing so this is why she was meant to travel there. Nobody else could jump because they didn’t have a living vessel to travel into, they were all dead, but somewhere in that dimension is another BBA.

Paul: That’s true, I thought she was to travel too, being the only one not in the pool (as well as Michelle / Buck). And I guess the end, with the bird entering the new/‘TV’ dimension, prevented the natural way of things, taking your quote again there Martin, so Brit fell—but Hap also saw her rise up like an angel in that dimension—or did he?

I was caught up in the Crestwood 5 storyline in a different way to Nina’s.. Buck is the only person to leave his door open (plus the only person to have it closed on him in Part 1—did that cause a ripple for Michelle?), and Jesse’s suicide—man, that was hard. I wanted to know why, was it the trauma of the shooting or something more? I was absolutely hoping the movements were going to work. And what do we think the effect of Steve performing them on his own, then shaving his head etc was? Symbolic of determination and belief, recreating himself?

The Crestwood gang arrives to BBA's cousin's house in Season 2 of The OA

Anff: I thought the movements would work too. And interestingly I didn’t see it as suicide, I saw it as a tragic accident. He was just trying to block out the trauma of the shooting, but the drugs were stronger than he thought. I really wanted the movements to work. I guess Steve didn’t have the fuel that Elodie talked about. I really wish it had worked. Him shaving his head felt like a Britney moment to me. I hope he’s OK!

Laura: I guess we don’t know for certain that he didn’t revive Jesse, though I would think it would require at least two people to have the faith and will to bring him back. I guess the head-shaving was a poignant moment; yes he was avoiding detection by the police, he wore that leather jacket too (was that Jesse’s?). But yes I do think it was a moment of realisation for Steve, that he had an important part to play. That OA and the captives never gave up and he won’t either. That there are bigger things at stake. BBA is in tune with the OA in other dimensions now. Buck has travelled from one dimension to another it appears without having to die to do so. Which kinda leaves French with a big role to play somewhere along the line.

When it comes to the OA’s brother, I am veering towards her brothers being different in every dimension, in Part 1 it was Elias, Part 2 Karim, and if it’s going to get totally meta, that could make Zal her brother in our dimension. I would love to see that play out.

The OA falls at the end of the second season on Netflix

Jason Isaacs calls Brit his wife in those last moments right? I wonder what histories they are going to have in Part 3? Was Jason in Harry Potter? Was she in Another Earth? Are they making The OA on set there? If so what season are they on? [laughs] “What year is this?”

Martin: I think him saying that Brit is his wife was a way of saying that they aren’t just going to be playing themselves in this new dimension, even though they carry the actors’ names it is still some sort of alternate version of them.

Laura: I think they have thought this whole potential five series out intricately; there will be things that happened in Part 2 that we don’t see until Part 5, things that we saw in Part 1 but won’t make sense until Part 4. It’s a huge puzzle and they know exactly when to drop the clues.

As with the ending of Part 2, we know there’s the potential for them to drop seriously mind-bending alternative realities which made think again about the Braille spelling Rachel on the wall of the therapist’s office in Part 1. It was way too big for any human our size to feel and read. Then there’s the old pentagonal fish tank too, like a scaled down version of where the captives were held. To go back to the Lewis Carroll quote too, this seems very much like an Alice in Wonderland story, where its quite possible for humans to grow very tall or very short.

Paul: I keep thinking of those things too. Where the connections begin and end—are they purposeful designs meant to trigger almost an unconscious resonance in the viewer as it does with us, or is there an even bigger, complicated explanation?

And what part does Homer have to play going forward I wonder? I feel he was sidelined a little in a way in this season. I liked the side story of his life and the reference to eating a sea creature when he was on the Tinder date, but his narrative was more about interacting with Nina/Prairie and then his eventual remembering.

Anff: I thought that was weird how he was on Tinder whilst on the phone working. Like this Homer cares more about girls than his job. That’s not who I fell in love with in Season 1!

As for where the show is heading, that’s a mind melter for me. There are so many possibilities.

Paul: I guess he’s as different as Nina is to Prairie?

Anff: Good point. Nina seems like a sexy goddess. Not the shy angel we fell for.

Martin: But then we don’t know anything about Homer’s life before being taken captive by Hap other than he had a baby. He could have been anything prior to meeting Prairie.

It was strange that Homer had a baby that he didn’t know in the first season and then in Season 2 Karim was about to become a father of a baby he didn’t want to know. It feels like there’s something there but I don’t know what.

Laura: That’s a very good point. I forgot about Homer’s baby.

Anff: Maybe that’s connected to OA having a brother. Was he cast away by the father too? Maybe that’s why OA doesn’t know him?

Paul: The OA’s mother died is that right? Or did she leave?

Martin: From what I remember it says she dies during childbirth. I feel like her mother is going to be an important part of the story at some point

Paul: Me too.

Laura: Talking of Tinder, I really loved that the story of French hooking up with a guy like that, that it didn’t turn out to be something nasty like so many other shows would have done. ‘Curious Incident’ (was that his name?) turned out to be really sweet (and hot!) and very helpful too, if unwittingly.

Anff: I loved [that] too! I did not read him as gay in Season 1. You go Glen Coco!

Paul: Yeah you’re right—I thought French’s reaching out to someone was incredibly moving. And not played for the usual dramatic ‘where’s this going—he’s off with a stranger so it means danger time’ plot.

Anff: Considering how much of A-hole Steve was in the very first episode, I love how he reacted to it too.

Laura: Definitely! I loved him even more from that moment. Steve more than anyone we have seen develop and grow up to be someone really strong and kind.

Paul: I agree that Steve has become a very rich character and has come such a long way, whilst staying true to who he is. I loved his reaction with Alfonso. The writers have created these beautiful moments in the narrative that just strike an amazing chord at the right time, and almost against expectation.

Steve doing the movements in The OA

I wonder in a larger sense, when looking at what the show is about, as Caemeron asked earlier, is it somehow about the masculine and feminine in some way, at least in part? I know that Brit Marling is frustrated at the lack of parts and good writing for actresses and it’s one of the reasons she went into developing her own stories, using myths and older devices.

Is the OA very much the feminine—intuitive, strong, connected (connecting) to nature, helping to build a community around her through those intrinsic strengths? Hap as a man is factual, scientific, interested in what he can prove disregarding the cost, asserting his will onto others?

Not sure as I’m only thinking out loud right now—but is this an element of the journey?

Caemeron: I’m hung up on the reference to her having a ‘mission’ and wondering what that could be. The interest shown in her by Old Night and by the trees makes me think it will be a more cosmic issue; some kind of threat. The other cephalopods don’t think humanity is worth talking to, maybe because of what we have done to the planet? I don’t know.

What you say about the masculine and the feminine is interesting. I could definitely see an interpretation of the show along those lines. I wonder if it might be made more explicit. Thinking about Buck could factor in there, too.

I have become unsure about how Homer fits in. I would agree that he is important, but what is his importance beyond his connection to OA? Why was his consciousness the one to be suppressed in the second dimension? I have to admit that for a bit I thought/feared that Hap was right and he was dead in the field because he hadn’t travelled with the others, but it seems now that this was not the case. What happened there seems like a central question to me, but I’m not sure how it hooks up to the broader narrative…

And what about the house? That seems hugely significant in a way that largely remains a question for me.

Paul: The cosmic and nature I think is a huge part.

Ah yes, the house. That seemed very interesting to me in the way I find David Lynch’s use of spaces interesting. That a house can contain mystery and be almost a living entity in and of itself? And the idea of souls passing through, moulding and using spaces and creating something that resonates with how they are used, or with particular people yet to pass through in the future.

…So what is everyone thinking about for Part 3? We know we had some answers this time around, what are your hopes (aside from it not taking over two years to come our way)?

Anff: I hope it keeps up the level of mystery and intrigue. I hope we get more bizarre glimpses into other dimensions. And I’m hoping the boys get to OA. I’m also hoping they’ve already filmed all five seasons ready to come out over the rest of the year.

Martin: I want it to be about the dimension we got a glimpse of in the finale; that’s such an interesting concept that I think it would be silly for them not to take advantage of it. But at the same time, I don’t want that to be completely the end of the San Francisco dimension; it feels like there’s still so much there, like the house, for us to learn about and discover. What would have happened if BBA and the boys went to the house on Nob Hill in their dimension? Would it have been run down like the hospital was?

We did get answers with Season 2 but all those answers did was make us ask a million more questions. I don’t want them to rush Season 3, but I need it so badly!

Caemeron: I would definitely like more about the house. Are we under the impression that Steve and the others went there before ending up in Hap’s water garden? I definitely was, which leads me to think that this game sort of filled the void where OA should have been. And of course, Nina was involved.

This is another thing I wonder about, given what we see of Elodie. If OA merged consciousnesses with Nina, is there a chance that she will still be in the San Francisco dimension as well? Could this be on the path of integrating versions of self across dimensions in order to achieve some goal?

I don’t know, but I am hoping/predicting that Season 3 will get weirder with regard to time. It seems like we should be working towards the moment Old Night sent OA to, which would still be in the future, but has also already happened. So I am really curious to see how they play that out.

Laura: I think Part 3 will be something totally different again. More surreal than ever, with more forking paths, perhaps very far back in time with Homer too. I can’t wait!

We could have talked forever about so much in Part 2 of The OA—and we will. We have much more analysis of this show and its creators in the pipeline so keep the site bookmarked!

And don’t forget our forums—we are about to get deep into this second season. This roundtable was just the beginning…Thanks for reading!

Written by Paul Billington

25YL site Business Strategist, dabbling in Marketing and also a writer here too!

Lover of 'Twin Peaks', all things David Lynch, a big believer that 'Big Trouble in Little China' may possibly be better than 'Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey'.

Oh, and bacon is awesome and I miss Sherbet Dib Dabs.

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