Doctor Who
Articles on Doctor Who, from episode recaps to analyses, character profiles and more!
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in Doctor Who, EpisodesRTD’s Blueprints: How the Doctor Who TV Movie Inspired the Revival
Not every show is lucky enough to get two shots at a revival. Then again, not every show is Doctor Who. The beloved British science fiction programme, which premiered on November 23, 1963, ran for 695 episodes across 26 Series before its cancellation in 1989. The BBC will claim it was axed due to dwindling […] More
in Doctor Who, Favorites
Time for the WHOlidays: RTD-Era Doctor Who Christmas Specials
It’s Christmas Day, 2005. Seven-year-old Robin would have been in their childhood home, post-Christmas dinner, all cosy on the sofa. I have no memory of that Christmas; I know which family members would have been there that year, where we would have sat to open presents and share terrible cracker jokes, how the general day […] More
Doctor Who S13E6: “The Vanquishers” Fumbles the Finish
The following contains spoilers for the season finale Doctor Who S13E6, “The Vanquishers” (written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Azhur Saleem) So the Doctor Who: Flux saga has reached its conclusion. Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker have some specials left, but this was their last full season with which to lay their legacy on […] More
in Doctor Who, EpisodesDoctor Who S13E5: “Survivors of the Flux” Puts the Pieces in Place
The following contains spoilers for Doctor Who S13E5, “Survivors of the Flux” (written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Azhur Saleem) Chris Chibnall is back to being the sole credited writer for Doctor Who S13E5, “Survivors of the Flux” The events of the season so far are finally coming together, and the episode is surprisingly effective. […] More
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in Doctor Who, EpisodesDoctor Who S13E4: “Village of the Angels” Lifts the Curse
The following contains spoilers for Doctor Who S13E4, “Village of the Angels” (written by Chris Chibnall & Maxine Alderton and directed by Jamie Magnus Stone) As the credits rolled at the start of “Village of the Angels” there was one that was most welcome: “Written by Chris Chibnall and Maxine Alderton.” Chibnall has written every […] More
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in Doctor Who, EpisodesDoctor Who S13E3, “Once, Upon Time” Trips Through the Timeline
(The following contains spoilers for Doctor Who S13E3, “Once, Upon Time”, written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Azhur Saleem) There have been certain segments of the Doctor Who fandom who seem unwilling and unable to accept anything that Chris Chibnall has done since he took over as showrunner. I have been trying desperately to […] More
in Doctor Who, EpisodesDoctor Who S13E2: “War of the Sontarans” Slips Into Slapstick
Doctor Who S13E2, “War of the Sontarans” started out as a fun showcase for one of the most easily dismissed Doctor Who villains, until it got bogged down in the season arc. When the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and Dan (John Bishop) were facing off against the war-loving aliens from the Doctor’s past the show was […] More
in Doctor Who, EpisodesDoctor Who S13E1: “Chapter One: The Halloween Apocalypse” Begins the End
Doctor Who S13E1, “Chapter One: The Halloween Apocalypse”, kicked off the last full season for both Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor and Chris Chibnall as showrunner with a messy, but entertaining, bang. The two will now be forever linked as their respective runs will have started and ended together. Whittaker had to navigate the very […] More
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in Doctor Who, FavoritesQueer TV Characters That Impacted Me as a Baby Gay
In 2015, when I was 16 years old, I came out as bisexual. It was a daunting time, as it is for any (especially young) LGBTQ+ person; it’s confusing, lonely, and really quite frightening. While I was still figuring things out, no one else I knew was out as queer. There was no one to […] More
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in Doctor Who, Episode of the WeekDoctor Who’s “Nightmare in Silver”: An Underrated Episode That Changed My Life
Doctor Who‘s “Nightmare in Silver”: An Underrated Episode That Changed My Life is a guest article written by Lee Roberts. “Science is a way of talking about the universe in words that bind it to a common reality. Magic is a method of talking to the universe in words that it cannot ignore. The two […] More
in Doctor Who, Episode of the WeekDoctor Who: “Heaven Sent” and the Eternal Loop of Mourning
Let’s forget about the surrounding circumstances of “Heaven Sent” for a moment—not what precedes it (Clara’s death) of course, one could never forget that—but the broader stakes of what is going on in Doctor Who: all of the things having to do with Gallifrey and the Hybrid and all that. Perhaps you don’t remember, and […] More
in Doctor Who, Series“Ladies, Gentlemen, and Variations Thereupon”: Gender Queerness in Doctor Who
At its core, Doctor Who feels like a queer television show. An array of aliens, planets, and even dimensions are just some of the ingredients that create such an eccentric and often heart-warming portrayal of all things weird and wonderful. This focus on spectrums of existence and outsiders to everyday life as we know it […] More