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  • Elliot walks under a Washington Township sign that has been graffittied

    Mr. Robot S4E11: 411 eXit

    Mr. Robot S4E11 “411 eXit” breaks with all of the previous episodes of Season 4 by having a title that is not the 4xx client error code that corresponds to the number in question (that would be 411 Length Required). It also breaks with the reality of everything that has happened on Mr. Robot prior […] More

  • Darlene hugs Elliot

    Mr. Robot S4E10: 410 Gone

    Mr. Robot S4E10 “410 Gone” centers on Dom and Darlene. We start with the former in the hospital. She is told her family is in protective custody, but she can’t see them. (I wonder how they got there, since last we saw they were being held by Deegan McGuire.) The FBI guy recommends that she […] More

  • Darlene wears the f society mask from The Careful Massacare of the Bourgeoisie

    Mr. Robot S4E9: 409 Conflict

    Call me a cynic, but I’ve never had any hope of Elliot’s plan to take down the Deus Group working. Yet, by the end of Mr. Robot S4E9 “409 Conflict” it seems to have done just that. Their bank accounts have been emptied, and the FBI or something is breaking down Whiterose’s door, meeting a […] More

  • Elliot looks pained

    Mr. Robot S4E8: 408 Request Timeout

    Mr. Robot S4E8 “408 Request Timeout” gives us precisely that when it comes to Elliot—the time for him (and for us) to process the revelations of last week. Krista shepherds him away from the returning Peanuts and Javi (who pretty much only seem interested in grabbing Vera’s wallet once they realize Krista and Elliot are […] More

  • Vera talks to Elliot

    Mr. Robot S4E7: 407 Proxy Authentication Required

    Mr. Robot S4E7, “Proxy Authentication Required,” focuses entirely on the situation Elliot finds himself in after Vera kidnapped him at the end of the previous episode. It ran commercial-free, with a tighter aspect ratio than normal, and was presented as occurring in five acts, with the title card for each hitting the screen where otherwise […] More

  • Whiterose stands before a whiteboard

    Mr. Robot S4E6: 406 Not Acceptable

    Mr. Robot S4E6 “406 Not Acceptable” centers around three hostage situations (and ends with a fourth). Each varies in terms of both method and goal, but it is not hard to connect each to the episode title. In fact, the narration from Mr. Robot here itself seems to me to cross a certain line, as […] More

  • Darlene and Ellito stand in an elevator

    Is Mr. Robot Season 4 Living in Virtual Reality?

    Even back as far as the first season of Mr. Robot, viewers have learned to question what they’re seeing. Elliot is the ultimate unreliable narrator. After the Season 2 reveal that during all of the scenes with Elliot sitting court-side at pick-up basketball games, in reality he was actually in prison, I have never really […] More

  • Elliot and Darlene stand before servers

    Mr. Robot S4E5: 405 Method Not Allowed

    Mr. Robot S4E5, “405 Method Not Allowed,” contains only two lines of dialogue. In this way it is reminiscent of what may be the best episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: “Hush.” But unlike in Buffy, where the inability to speak is intrinsic to the plot and related to the powers of the Gentlemen who […] More

  • Tyrell wears a suit with a bloody hammer in his hand

    Mr. Robot S4E4: 404 Not Found

    Remember wondering who came to Elliot’s door at the end of Season 1? I know I thought it might be Tyrell, and I’m sure others did as well. We were left with a cliffhanger insofar as Elliot had lost time and didn’t know what happened. One now has to wonder whether Mr. Robot did either. […] More

  • Olivia looks at Elliot with her hands on her drink as they sit together at a bar table

    Mr. Robot S4E3: 403 Forbidden

    Surprising no one, Mr. Robot S4E3, “403 Forbidden,” did not provide an answer to the fundamental mystery raised by the previous episode. Instead, it provided some backstory for Whiterose, checked in on the progress of Elliot’s plan, and finally gave us some new scenes with Vera. He’s as menacing as ever, and displays an emotional […] More

  • in

    Mr. Robot S4E2: 402 Payment Required

    On Sunday morning, Sam Esmail posted this on Twitter: He wasn’t lying. The closing moments of this week’s Mr. Robot seem to strongly indicate that Elliot and Mr. Robot are not the only two aspects of our friend’s psyche. Apparently there is a third. Who might that be, and how do we think about […] More

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