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The TV Obsessive Podcast Episode 52: News, Notes & Curb Your Enthusiasm, “The Lawn Jockey”

Larry stands in a living room while Susie sits on the couch
Courtesy of HBO

This week, on The TV Obsessive Podcast Episode 52, Ryan chooses the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode “The Lawn Jockey” as his favorite episode of TV from the first year of our podcast. But first, in the news:

Larry stands in a yard with a lawn jockey
Courtesy of HBO

On Curb Your Enthusiasm S12E2, “The Lawn Jockey”

After being arrested for giving a bottle of water to Auntie Rae in a voting line in Atlanta, Larry David is released from prison and plans to plead guilty so he can put it all behind him. 

Larry’s Atlanta lawyer Joe looks a lot like Mocha Joe, whom Larry hates. Larry eventually fires him after he starts talking to Larry about coffee.

At their Airbnb, an offensive lawn jockey is in the front yard. Larry, Leon and Jeff break it, so they set out on a hunt to find a new one so Susie doesn’t have to pay the security deposit. Jeff also takes Larry’s advice to buy Susie two birthday gifts in case she doesn’t like the first one. 

After the guys find a new lawn jockey, they make their way to Auntie Rae’s church cookout. Auntie Rae’s nephew gives Jeff the leftover ribs and finds the lawn jockey in the back of their car, infuriating everyone. Because of this, Larry decided to plead not guilty and fight the Georgia election law.

  • On the style of Curb
  • Thoughts on JB Smoove
  • The lawn jockey and how Curb deals with race

Next Time on The TV Obsessive Podcast…

Caemeron chooses The Curse as his favorite show of the past 12 months.

Written by TV Obsessive

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