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in VideogamesDid Nintendo Build the Super Mario Maker Series to Last?
Don’t worry, it’s not a history lesson—but real quick—E3 2014 was the year Nintendo revealed Super Mario Maker for the WiiU. It may not have been the biggest thing they announced that year, but for a guy like me, who grew up in the ’80s dreaming of making my own video games someday, it was […] More
in VideogamesSuper Mario 3D Land is a Vastly Different Experience When Played in 3D
My 3DS, despite being relatively new, is a relic. It’s a discontinued model. Matter of fact, the only 3DS model that isn’t discontinued on the market is the “New”, XL, 2DS. So basically, the 3DS was the DS2, and the 2DS is like the DS3. My bigger point is that back when the 3DS made […] More
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in VideogamesSuper Mario Galaxy 2 is What Bigger Sequels Should Be
Our run of the Super Mario Bros. franchise shakes and waggles on as we revisit the 2010 Nintendo Wii classic Super Mario Galaxy 2, a game that revolutionized nothing. It’s just the first game but with Yoshi. In A Galaxy Very, Very Familiar… I only consider Super Mario Galaxy 2 to be one of the […] More
in VideogamesNew Super Mario Bros Wii Offered a Standard Adventure With a Twist
Super Mario Galaxy is an incredibly tough act to follow. You have a game that, for all intents and purposes, rewrote the 3D platformer rules and took the world by storm with its fantastic level design, outstanding soundtrack, and fun-as-hell gameplay. Nintendo was in a tricky spot, then, when they had to figure out the […] More
Super Mario Galaxy: The Best Mario Game There Ever Was
In this week’s chapter in our Super Mario series, we have finally come to what many believe to be the greatest game of all time. I am of course talking about the one and only, Super Mario Galaxy. This game is the first time that Nintendo took a real step out of their comfort zone […] More
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in VideogamesNew Super Mario Bros. – Fresh and New, Old and Stale
The year is 2006. I’m 13, excitedly plugging my first 2D Mario game into a Nintendo DS. Mario’s last new 2D adventure had taken place nearly 14 years ago (or 16, depending on who you ask). In the interim, there had been a few 2D re-releases and updates, but nothing wholly original in a decade […] More
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The Super Mario Franchise Offers Up a JRPG for the Ages with Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
The original Paper Mario on the Nintendo 64 was a surprise hit. As a follow up to the surprisingly awesome Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, it took everything that worked about that game and added a wholly unique, too-cute paper art style to the proceedings. Who could have guessed placing 2D characters […] More
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in VideogamesSuper Mario Sunshine Was a Weird, Weird Follow Up to Super Mario 64
Remember how Ocarina of Time was a traditional Zelda through and through, but was the first 3D game in the series that stood out for just how well it brought that classic gameplay into the third dimensional space? Remember how it was a smash hit both critically and commercially? And how Nintendo, wondering how in […] More
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in VideogamesSuper Mario 64: The Game That Ushered In The 3D Era
The next chapter in our Mario series holds a very special place in my heart, as it is a game that was both the first game I ever paid any serious attention to, and the game that took me the longest time to beat. I also happen to share a birthday with this game, which […] More
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in VideogamesYoshi’s Island Successfully Spun Off the Super Mario Series
Yoshi’s Island was my favorite Super Mario game of all time until the Galaxy games waggled into existence. Some people may find this odd considering my well-documented indifference to Super Mario Bros. 2: The Repurposing, but the heart wants what the heart wants. Super Mario World 2 is a sort of backdoor pilot for the […] More
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in VideogamesSuper Mario World is When the Mario Franchise Truly Branched Out
We’re jumping, stomping, and diving into the most iconic and popular video game franchise ever, the Super Mario Bros. series. Each week, we’ll take a unique look at each game in the series, and discuss aspects you may not have considered. This week we explore Super Mario World, the SNES launch title that drew inspiration from […] More
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in VideogamesSuper Mario Bros 3 is the Platinum Standard of What a Video Game Sequel Should Be
Here at 25YL we’re jumping, stomping, and diving into the most iconic and popular video game franchise ever, the Super Mario Bros. series. Each week, we’ll take a unique look at each game in the series, and discuss aspects you may not have considered. This week we look at Super Mario Bros. 3, the last (and unquestionably […] More