Here at 25YLSite, we handle a lot of heavy lifting. Analysis, interpretation, deep discussion, introspective interviews… you name it, we’ve got it. “Favorites” is our new series that takes a lighter approach to the material we normally cover. Each week, one of our writers will take you through their list of favorites – whether it’s moments, scenes, episodes, characters, lines of dialogue, whatever! – in bite-sized articles perfect for your lunch break, a dull commute, or anywhere you need to take a Moment of Zen. So, sit back and enjoy this week’s offering: Ali Sciarabba’s favorite Laura Palmer looks.
Trying to write something lighthearted about Laura Palmer presents a challenge. This beautiful, tortured soul doesn’t really lend herself to that sort of content. However, after some thought, I decided to celebrate Twin Peaks Day and honor our dear departed (or is she?) Laura Palmer by compiling some of my favorite Laura looks. In no particular order, here are my Top Ten Favorites.
10) Picnic Laura
This is one of my all-time favorite Laura looks (and I 100% replicated this outfit and wore it constantly back in the 90s). Donna’s look is…. not so great. There is no excuse for that sweater, even in 1989.
9) Coked-up School Girl Laura
This is a nice, low-key look for snorting coke in the girls’ bathroom and wandering the halls of your high school trying to look like you’re not totally f^cked up. A for effort, Laura.
8) Secret Diary Laura
Laura’s casual wear for sneaking cigarettes at home and writing some secret diary entries is so very 90s but somehow she makes it work. Only Laura Palmer can pull off an oversized, dog-shit brown cardigan.
7) The Homecoming Queen
The most iconic of all Laura looks is, of course, her homecoming photo. Brings back some memories, doesn’t it, Bobby?
6) The Red Room Lauras
Laura’s iconic Lodge dress has inspired many an excellent cosplay. Since Sheryl Lee is flawless at any age, I couldn’t pick just one. Is it future or is it past?
5) Red Diamond City Motel Laura
This is a killer look—quite literally—because when Leland saw it poor Teresa’s fate was sealed.
4.) Nighttime Is My Time Laura
Every gal needs a Little Black Dress and Laura Palmer is no exception. Hers is just a little shorter and a little tighter. Chug-a-lug, Donna.
3.) Pink Lingerie Laura
This night doesn’t end well for Laura, but this is some yrev, very nice lingerie. It’s a pity that it’s wasted on Jacques and Leo, who are serious contenders for the two most disgusting men in the universe.
2.) Ski Bunny Laura
This photo of Laura and Audrey—which I would love (but will never get) some in-universe context for—is an excellent (and cozy) look for Laura. No wonder Ben kept it framed in his office.
1.) You’re With The Angels Now, Laura
The end of Fire Walk With Me never fails to punch me in the gut, but on a totally superficial level, Laura looks stunning—beatific even. It’s an image that, once you’ve seen in, never leaves you. Most of that has to do with Sheryl’s acting, of course, but the hair and makeup here is on point. It brings an extra level of joyfulness to the ending because I firmly believe that nothing bad can happen on a good hair day.
These are just some of the Laura Looks that left an impression on me. Please feel free to comment and share some of your favorite Laura looks and cosplays!