Good Stuff at the Goodwill
Robert: If you read my previous article, you know I am a huge proponent of physical media. I am not, nor will I ever, be opposed to streaming, but there is more to physical media than just the video presentation. For me, I prefer having that tangible piece of media-ready and available to scratch the itch if it ever comes about.
Collecting media can get expensive. I can’t be out there buying a handful of DVDs, Blu-rays, and 4K discs on a whim every single week. I sometimes have to put the ‘I’ in ‘responsible.’ So, I could not buy media every week, or I could make the occasional trips down to my local Goodwill and see if there’s anything worth adding to my collection.
And just in case you are wondering, I wear a mask at all times, wipe everything down with sanitizer and take all the precautions I can while out in the community. With that out of the way, let’s see what good stuff I came upon at the Goodwill.
Life of Pi (2-Disc Blu-ray/DVD set)
Some may find this blasphemous, but I have yet to see Ang Lee’s best picture-nominated Life of Pi. It is a film I have meant to check out, but there are only so many hours to watch so many movies. With that in mind, I saw the Blu-ray copy sitting there, and I couldn’t say no. Add on to the fact that it came with its slipcover and DVD as well, plus the discs were in immaculate shape, and it was a no-brainer to pick up.
Fahrenheit 9/11 (DVD)
Michael Moore can be a polarizing figure in entertainment. From his choice of topics to how he conducts his documentaries, Moore always finds a way to ruffle someone’s feathers. Regardless of how you feel about him, his documentaries always make for a compelling watch. When it comes to my physical media collection, they are a mish-mash of DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K, so it is not unusual for me to add a standard DVD to my collection. I am a sucker for a good documentary, and, having seen it in the past but not owning it, this was one I had to bring home.
Noah (2-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Set)
One of my favorite living filmmakers is Darren Aronofsky. I regard Requiem for a Dream as one of the greatest films of the 21st Century. Add on to that Mickey Rourke’s legendary performance in The Wrestler to the supremely-underrated Mother!, he crafts films unlike any other. That isn’t to say he hasn’t made a misstep, though. This brings us to Noah—a movie I have only seen once and did not like. “So why did you buy it?” I can hear some of you asking. I wanted to give the film another try, as Noah is the only film in Darren Aronofsky’s filmography that I dislike. Now that I own it, I can revisit Noah and see if my opinions have changed. If not, I still have a loaded, two-disc set with bonus features that I can enjoy. And for the price I paid, that is enough for me to take the gamble.
All told, for the three films, I was able to grab, the total rang up to six dollars and change. What does seven bucks get me? A Best Picture nominee, a winner of the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, and a biblical epic from one of my favorite directors. Not too shabby, if I say so myself. I’m sure not every trip will be as bountiful, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled for more good stuff at the Goodwill.