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    What I Learned From Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End

    Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End taught me about life, death, memory, and impermanence. The show’s lessons were numerous: some were direct, some were subtle, but regardless of how they were conveyed, they all felt meaningful. Frieren also reminded me to slow down and listen to the world around me. It reminded me that any act of […] More

  • Two female characters, one smiling and another frowning, in Hazbin Hotel

    Larks & Recs: Hazbin Hotel and Balatro

    When this feature first started, someone decided to call it What’s the Buzz, but we eventually changed the name for two reasons. One is that it kept making a couple of us sing the song from Jesus Christ Superstar in our heads. That’s not terrible—and, indeed, Easter weekend might be a great time to revisit […] More

  • A closeup shot of Elle's eye

    Blade Runner: Black Lotus — Season Finale: S1E13 “Time to Die”

    The following contains spoilers through Blade Runner: Black Lotus S1E13, “Time to Die,” on Adult Swim, and also references the Blade Runner movies. Welcome back, dear reader, as we wrap up our review the Adult Swim series Blade Runner: Black Lotus with Episode 13, “Time to Die.” We start the episode in fine Blade Runner tradition, with the close-up shot of an […] More

  • A scrawny figure lurches forward with fire behind it in Mad God

    Recommendations: Mad God, Waiting Room, and The Card Counter

    Each week we bring you recommendations of things to watch, listen to, play, read, or otherwise consume with your sensory apparatus. This week, Hawk recommends Phil Tippet’s long-awaited Mad God, Caemeron’s been listening to Fugazi on repeat, and Paul thinks you might enjoy The Card Counter. Film Recommendation: Mad God Hawk Ripjaw: Phil Tippet, legendary […] More

  • BoJack's head in silhouette, wearing sunglasses and sitting on a beach chair, backlit by the sunset.

    BoJack Horseman’s Top 10 Worst Moments!

    Content Warning: “BoJack Horseman’s Top 10 Worst Moments!” references addiction, sexual assault, and violence against women. BoJack Horseman is my favorite TV show. The six-season absurdist animated dark comedy has some of the most nuanced portrayals of mental illness, feminism, fame, and generational trauma on television…and also stars a talking alcoholic horse. BoJack Horseman (Will […] More

  • Blade Runner Black Lotus S1E12 - Water Lily looks over the shoulder of someone in shadows in the foreground, a serious look on her face

    Blade Runner: Black Lotus S1E12 — “Artificial Souls”

    The following contains spoilers through Blade Runner: Black Lotus S1E12, “Artificial Souls,” on Adult Swim, and also references the Blade Runner movies. Welcome back, dear reader, as we continue to review the Adult Swim series Blade Runner: Black Lotus with Episode 12, “Artificial Souls.” So I’ll start out with a bit of an errata here. […] More

  • Alma looks towards us

    Undone Season 2 Asks Us To Live in the Truth

    The following contains spoilers for Undone Season 2 in its entirety (written by Kate Purdy & Raphael Bob-Waksberg and directed by Hisko Hulsing) Undone Season 2 begins and ends with Alma (Rosa Salazar) at the cave and the immediate aftermath of this scene. Of course, the two times are different in terms of what that […] More

  • The four boys at the bus stop, singing, with a bayonet in the air overhead

    South Park Favourite Episodes: The Hunting of the Snark

    I don’t know about you, but I’m at that point in the pandemic where my brain is fed up with all the comfort TV I have been feeding it in an attempt to soothe it. What my pandemic brain wants now is snark. No, I don’t mean Lewis Carroll’s wacky mythical creature—I want irreverent, cutting […] More

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