Star Trek: The Next Generation
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in SeriesBeyond the Screen #1: Star Trek Picard’s Future Tapestry
In a new weekly column called Beyond the Screen, author A. J. Black unpacks what we’re all discussing from the world of cinema and television. This time, he takes a look at the second season of Star Trek: Picard after a brand new trailer… Everything about Star Trek in the modern era, nay the Alex […] More
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in SeriesModern Star Trek: New Frontiers, Old Nostalgia
We are living on the cusp of a new ‘golden age’ of Star Trek, at least when it comes to the profligacy of content from the Viacom/Paramount owned franchise, but the promise by executives of Star Trek on the air all year round comes with both caveats positive and, unfortunately, negative. April 5th is always […] More
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in DocuseriesBad Faith — Heaven’s Gate: The Cult of Cults (and Me)
It’s like something out of a science fiction story, but it’s cold, brutal truth. The Heaven’s Gate cult came to an abrupt, quiet stop in late March of 1997 with a uniformed, well-documented mass suicide. However, over the course of the past 20 years, the 39 lives lost on that day drifted from public consciousness. […] More
in Series
Star Trek: Lower Decks Defies Current Trek with Laughs and Fun
For many fans, there are two types of Star Trek: Trek Prime, which consists of everything from The Original Series to Enterprise, and Nu-Trek, which consists of the Kelvin timeline (or the J.J. Abrams “JJ-verse” movies) and any new series that’s come out since Trek Prime’s demise (mainly Star Trek Discovery and Star Trek: Picard). […] More
in Episode of the WeekStar Trek: The Measure of a Man — The Measure of Us All
Star Trek, in its various iterations, has frequently grappled with the question of moral status, and does so perhaps most directly in “The Measure of a Man.” Broadly speaking, this is the question of who counts, morally. That is, what beings deserve moral consideration? Most everyone will agree that inanimate objects do not have such […] More
in SeriesPicard: The Past & Future of Star Trek
Leighton Evans and Paul Billington co-wrote this, but we can only credit one writer. If you like it, credit both in your mind. If not, it’s all Leighton’s doing and feel free to post angry comments at the end. Star Trek: Picard is coming and excitement has been building amongst fans ever since Sir Pat […] More
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in Episode of the WeekRai and Jiri at Lungha: “Darmok” and Misunderstanding
Star Trek predicted many technological developments. I recall hearing Neil DeGrasse Tyson at one point saying that the thing that struck him as the most fantastic as a child watching the original series was the automatic doors. We have those. And while we may not have transponders, our smartphones are getting close. I recall an […] More
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in General TV AnalysisBlack Goo: The Stuff of Dreams
There is an entity that appears in our favorite science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories—a living substance that elicits both disgust and excitement in the human imagination. It’s related to the bad black barf and black blood TV tropes, but while those examples are relatively inert and formless, ‘black goo’ refers to a class of […] More
in Potpourri
PopCulture25YL- May 1994: Star Trek’s “All Good Things…”, Beastie Boys’ Ill Communication, and More
This month in PopCulture25YL, we’re taking a look at the music, shows, video games, and whatever else we want from the month that was May of 1994. VHS In The VCR Star Trek: The Next Generation comes to an end by Will Johnson May 23rd, 1994, was the best kind of long day for […] More